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Creature Hands


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i was hoping if someone could please make a mod that lets you use swap your character's hands with that of creatures


through some searching i found a mod that has an armor that gives you deathclaw body parts, more specifically horns, a tail, feet and even spikes


however the hands are just a darker retex of the base player hands, so what i would like is a mod that adds wearable deathclaw hands, that while they can be used as and do the same damage as gauntlets are not gauntlets but actual deathclaw hands


i really hope that someone can make this please

Edited by CourierX2
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however the hands are just a darker retex of the base player hands, so what i would like is a mod that adds wearable deathclaw hands, that while they can be used as and do the same damage as gauntlets are not gauntlets but actual deathclaw hands

The fist of Rawr (FONV's version of the deathclaw gauntlet from FO3) is already rigged to the hand bones. I'm betting it wouldn't be too hard to rig teh left hand, there is a mirror modifier in blender that could make a reverse mesh too IIRC. What mod are you referencing (link please) so I can see if everything would be compatible.

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