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Polymorph Spell Mod?


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Hello, I've been wanting to create an Oblivion mod that gives you a spell that allows you to play as a rat. However, I'm very confused on how to do this. I've done it in Skyrim a while ago, but it's apparently a lot different in Oblivion. I also tried looking at MidasMagic's scripts and changing some stuff and all it did was cause it to crash. Would somebody please show me how, or at least point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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I know not many mods which do this, but those I do know all do it around the same way.


The creature you want to turn into first has to be reproduced in a "mountable" version, which usually means different skeleton, some animations, etc.

Once this creature exists a script spawns (or moves from a remote holding cell) it to the location of the player,

turns the player invisible,

and mounts it.


This happens about as fast as for you not to notice the mount action taking place at all, the player just disappears and the spawned creature appears in its place.

As soon as the player's "riding" the creature it can be controlled like just about every other ridable creature, but it appears to be as if the player "was" the creature.


And if the player wants to turn back to normal, he simply un-mounts again, the creature gets de-spawned (move back into the remote holding cell), and the player's turned back visible again.



It's a rather ingenious approach and rather easy to implement, yet it's of course still a little more complex, as you have to re-create an entire creature in ridable state first, but it's also not exactly the same as you just "turning" into the creature either. However, I know of "no" other way to do the same myself so far, after watching the scene and all developments I got note of for more than 10 years now.

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