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How to make Actor Head (anybody part) explode?


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So in my mod I want there to be a point where NPC1 fires his weapon at the direction of NPC2, then NPC2's head explodes.


I'm aware of the fireweapon function but how do I set up the direction NPC1's weapons is facing?

After that how do I make NPC2's head explode?


Going by the script logic in my head I assume it'd be something like this:


npc1weaponfire script line

weaponfirecounter set to 1

if weaponfirecounter == 1

[insert function that makes body part explode]npc2


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I havent done a lot of scripting at all so i dont know how to do anything almost. but I did notice that in vanilla game there are anumber of exploding head scenarios.


Like the exploding slave collars that u got on the slaves in the pen that your supposed to rescue from legion, or the time when the npc head explodes from boone, or the one where you have to wear the exploding collar.


I think you can find the scripts for those and see how to do it.

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I havent done a lot of scripting at all so i dont know how to do anything almost. but I did notice that in vanilla game there are anumber of exploding head scenarios.


Like the exploding slave collars that u got on the slaves in the pen that your supposed to rescue from legion, or the time when the npc head explodes from boone, or the one where you have to wear the exploding collar.


I think you can find the scripts for those and see how to do it.

I looked over the Boone script and I donno I couldn't quite find it or figure it out until I looked at the slave collar detonate thing with the Weathers family and apparently the head explosion is as simple as a kill actor function/command. The head explosion comes with the kill switch. Anyways thanks for suggesting the slave collars totally didn't think that out by myself. Kudos for you bra. And also your avatar is truly creepy what is he some kinda Japanese Charlie Manson or something anyway so yeah I still gotta figure out how to force the actor to point the gun to a particular target.

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