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I have a few I'd like to see in skyrim.



wearbears: According to lore, the homeland for these cursed beings is skyrim and as much as I love werewolves, it would be a nice change of pace. I mean, you see plenty of werewolves in other media but who's ever heard of a "werebear"?



Dremora: With the powerful new engine under the hood, new body customization system, and the Conan the Barbarian/Beowulf feel they have going on it would be VERY interesting to see how they're portrayed in this installment of the series.



Xivilai: mostly the same as Dremora. would love to see what design they'd come up with for Skyrim.



Goblins: I always found them interesting in oblivion but a bit shallow. I hope they're in Skyrim, and if they are I hope they feel like they really are intelligent (albeit primitive) beings instead of random creatures that just so happen to be able to wield a weapon & shield.


and the Atronachs: All of them! I love the elemental Daedra, especially flesh though! Those guys were the 1st thing that really stood out for me in the shivering isle X-pack and I've loved them ever since.


I hope I get to see at least one of these in Skyrim.

I agree with the goblin part, I haven't heard anything about a goblin type creature yet though.I think though if we do see goblins in Skyrim they would probably be the Rieklings from Bloodmoon, redesigned of course.

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I agree with the goblin part, I haven't heard anything about a goblin type creature yet though.I think though if we do see goblins in Skyrim they would probably be the Rieklings from Bloodmoon, redesigned of course.



It would be nice to see them again.


Also, something else I remembered. would be nice to see more of This guy's kind. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:Karstaag


MMM brings this creature type back in the northern regions. As a rare spawn, I think. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/Image.php?id=32923


Still, would be great to see his species on his home turf in at least a few in number.

Edited by Zenchii
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DEATHCLAWS!!! no just kidding it seams like dragons are gonna the things you run away from pissing yur pants in this game, i would like to see daedra return im not saying i want oblivion gates in skyrim id just like to see what the dremora and those spider things look like in skyrim

daedric ruins! i missed those... and dwemer ruins. Ayleid ruins were a huge dissapointment "'Hey, lets have your standard non pillaged glowy ruins all over!" pff... i do miss cliffracers. loved to hate them. i want a variety damnit! no more wolf-around-every-corner! i want to walk around and actually need to have my sword out instead of staying on my horse. I want things to stop following me! I want stuff i can be afraid of. Had none of that in oblivion. you could hack away anything!

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I want a terrifying enemy, an enemy that is fast and agile and utilizes it's environment. Like a giant 10ft. centipede that will actually crawl along walls and ceilings in ruins and droop down to grab you in it's mandibles or run into a tight space or up onto ceilings to escape if hurt or to ambush from the shadows. I giant venomous centipede would be terrifying enough but one that stalks you and you don't know where it is but can hear it and see the mutilated corpses of it's "prey" strewn about in the darkness I would think would make most of you soil yourselves behind the keyboard. Oblivion didn't have any scary creatures I need to learn how to mod and change that in Skyrim.
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I want a terrifying enemy, an enemy that is fast and agile and utilizes it's environment. Like a giant 10ft. centipede that will actually crawl along walls and ceilings in ruins and droop down to grab you in it's mandibles or run into a tight space or up onto ceilings to escape if hurt or to ambush from the shadows. I giant venomous centipede would be terrifying enough but one that stalks you and you don't know where it is but can hear it and see the mutilated corpses of it's "prey" strewn about in the darkness I would think would make most of you soil yourselves behind the keyboard. Oblivion didn't have any scary creatures I need to learn how to mod and change that in Skyrim.


That would actually be awesome! Just think in the middle of a ruin or dungeon, instead of a spider as in the trailer, a huge monster, killer bug hiding and thriving. Actually sounds like a good mod if anything!

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I agree with the goblin part, I haven't heard anything about a goblin type creature yet though.I think though if we do see goblins in Skyrim they would probably be the Rieklings from Bloodmoon, redesigned of course.



It would be nice to see them again.


Also, something else I remembered. would be nice to see more of This guy's kind. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:Karstaag


MMM brings this creature type back in the northern regions. As a rare spawn, I think. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/Image.php?id=32923


Still, would be great to see his species on his home turf in at least a few in number.


Yeah I remember seeing him in Bloodmon, been a long while since I played through it though.I do remember seeing the MMM version which was just called a frost giant.I would expect them to be in Skyrim, they did say there were giants but the only one we've seen so far is the one in the gameplay trailer, even though he looks more like a hill giant than a frost giant, we can only hope that there's more than one type.

Edited by Corakus
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