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Sneak..."Hidden" / "Detected" status


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Hi everyone,


I cant see the 'hidden' or 'detected statu's message any more when i am sneaking around fallout 3

Please give me some help trying to fix this..(I have tried to look in fook2 options but i see nothing there) :(


Mods I have are:


all 5 DLC



fook2 main

fook2 [dik]

FO3 wanders edition

20th Centruy Weapons

Enclave commander-steel

Enclave commander-OA-Pitt-Steel

TSC Air Support



Dc interiors (all 5)

Global travel system

GTS essentials

Enhancedweather - rain and snow

Marts Mutatnt Mod

Weapon mod kits

Underground hideout

Frederyck tactical weapons

Kikai equipment

Chinese stealth suit


Zombie apocalypse

Killable children


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this is a part of FWE if i recall correctly

open up the FWE configuration, and look around it

i can't remember exactly where the option was, as i haven't played FO3 in a few months, but you should find it quite easily


at least, i think this is the case, but i may be wrong (give it a try, you can't lose anything)

Mhmm how do i open the the config and ill give it a shot?

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this is a part of FWE if i recall correctly

open up the FWE configuration, and look around it

i can't remember exactly where the option was, as i haven't played FO3 in a few months, but you should find it quite easily


at least, i think this is the case, but i may be wrong (give it a try, you can't lose anything)

Mhmm how do i open the the config and ill give it a shot?


well, if i recall correctly, there is an item that you get when you activate FWE (or at some point, just not sure when) that opens the config menu

it should be an apparel or aid item (can't remember which)


if you still can't find the right item in your inventory, try checking the FWE page, and see if the info there is of more help

there is a chance that like me, you would have to add the item to your character (had to do it last time i played)

i think the item code is written in the FWE page as well

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this is a part of FWE if i recall correctly

open up the FWE configuration, and look around it

i can't remember exactly where the option was, as i haven't played FO3 in a few months, but you should find it quite easily


at least, i think this is the case, but i may be wrong (give it a try, you can't lose anything)

Mhmm how do i open the the config and ill give it a shot?


well, if i recall correctly, there is an item that you get when you activate FWE (or at some point, just not sure when) that opens the config menu

it should be an apparel or aid item (can't remember which)


if you still can't find the right item in your inventory, try checking the FWE page, and see if the info there is of more help

there is a chance that like me, you would have to add the item to your character (had to do it last time i played)

i think the item code is written in the FWE page as well



Many thanks!!


Found the FWE Control Panel in my apparel


and changed the message settings for sneaking


Kudos to you <3

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