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Double post - Mods take note



EDIT: If you are referring to the post in the General Morrowind section, this is not actually a double post - I moved the post to the correct forum, and left a link to the new thread so the poster would be able to find it.


Now, how about replying to the question? :P

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That's what YOU think. Look at me and my avatar. I'm using the old version... WAY old version with problems, bugs and a half-finished, yet playable mod.


I say half-finished... It's gt the moogle but it seems to be female all the time, which is a bug and a half. And there's plenty of clipping problems and misproportions as well.


I'm still waiting for the modified version.

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Well all be at ease. the original deadline was last month so, hopefully soon we shall see the FF world break loose, now if only I could get him to do a sephiroth mesh and skin, but alas, the ummm, less than perfect french cloud is all thats out for now
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