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I'm Wondering...


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G’day folks. My name is Roc, I am an Aussie and I play Dragon Age.

I’m new to playing DA, but not new to Nexus or using mods. So forgive me if this has been covered before or already exist, but like I said, I’m new to DA and therefore the DA request forums. I have wandered through a lot of the request titles and very few things appear to be on the topic or they are similar but different.


Okay, here goes:

1) Loyalty Adjuster: Morrigan. Love her or hate her as you will, but I like her looks and her attitude. What I don’t like is that she is so much trouble to please. I’d like for her to appear all tough and nasty, but actually be a big softy at heart. Hell, I know people like that in real life! :rolleyes: Why can’t I do something and have her narky tough comment, but secretly inside she approves and at least remains neutral instead of giving me a big hit into the minus loyalties? Like I said, I don’t know if it can be done?

2) Party Non-Herding: I like that the party looks out for each other, but do they all have to stick so closely together all the time? Sometimes my hero just wants to say, “Wait here, I want to take a look up ahead. I’ll be back shortly” and wander off in stealth mode by herself just to do a bit of scouting – part of what I see her being about really. But no, as soon as I sneak off, see some greeblies, turn around to go tell my friends… THEY ARE ALREADY RIGHT THERE GETTING US SPOTTED! :wallbash: :wallbash:

I don’t know, this may already be in the game but I can’t find it? The game goes on about strategies but even if you know there are greeblies up ahead and want to lay a cunning trap, your hero wanting to sneak ahead while you placed your friends carefully for the best effect so you can lure the enemy into an ambush, I can’t! :wallbash:

Where is the strategy in that? Always having to wander as a group and then wasting combat time positioning your people (as that seems to be the only time they can move away from each other?) while the enemy charge you? I like my missile troops to get shots in from the get go (like with a pre-planned ambush) at range instead of moving them after combat starts and having the nasties in your face before you get into position! I hope I’m made to look a fool when someone says, “Hey Roc, ya fool! Just go to the such-and-such menu and click it there!” :turned:

3) More Party Members: I mean, okay when you are playing a pencil and paper (PnP) RPG in your living room with actual friends sitting around a table and interacting physically with each other, it is more manageable to only have say 3-4 party members (but I’m a grown-up, I could handle 8+ in the day, probably still can :devil: ). But this is a computer game, it should be able to handle many, many more party members. All I’d like is a standard six. That’s only two more than allowed. Is that at all possible? A party of six is optimal for my likings... :smile:

4) There's no four really, I just wanted to post five points is all. :pirate:

5) Casual ‘Relations’: I’m sure this is already out there or something like it, I just can’t track it down. But I’d like for my hero to have one night stands with almost anybody I choose. I mean, anyone I can interact with in a inn, tavern, market (though perhps not merchants... unless they gave you a discount afterwards - though that may cheapen the whole affair...? :blink: ) etc. Would be nice to be able to go down that road (I role play as best I can in these games, sometimes my character - male or female - is a bit of a flirt, sometimes abstains, maybe is attracted to only serving wenches, maybe only elves, might be gay, might be bi... it all depends on how I feel when I generate the character at the time - I set the rule and it stays throughout the game, main quest relations not withstanding). My PC may not sleep with every NPC in the game, but I’d like to have the option and control who they do sleep with.


I’m thinking that is about it for now. Thanks for taking the time to read this, hope it hasn’t been to boring. Take care.

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G’day folks. My name is Roc, I am an Aussie and I play Dragon Age.

I’m new to playing DA, but not new to Nexus or using mods. So forgive me if this has been covered before or already exist, but like I said, I’m new to DA and therefore the DA request forums. I have wandered through a lot of the request titles and very few things appear to be on the topic or they are similar but different.


Okay, here goes:

1) Loyalty Adjuster: Morrigan. Love her or hate her as you will, but I like her looks and her attitude. What I don’t like is that she is so much trouble to please. I’d like for her to appear all tough and nasty, but actually be a big softy at heart. Hell, I know people like that in real life! :rolleyes: Why can’t I do something and have her narky tough comment, but secretly inside she approves and at least remains neutral instead of giving me a big hit into the minus loyalties? Like I said, I don’t know if it can be done?

2) Party Non-Herding: I like that the party looks out for each other, but do they all have to stick so closely together all the time? Sometimes my hero just wants to say, “Wait here, I want to take a look up ahead. I’ll be back shortly” and wander off in stealth mode by herself just to do a bit of scouting – part of what I see her being about really. But no, as soon as I sneak off, see some greeblies, turn around to go tell my friends… THEY ARE ALREADY RIGHT THERE GETTING US SPOTTED! :wallbash: :wallbash:

I don’t know, this may already be in the game but I can’t find it? The game goes on about strategies but even if you know there are greeblies up ahead and want to lay a cunning trap, your hero wanting to sneak ahead while you placed your friends carefully for the best effect so you can lure the enemy into an ambush, I can’t! :wallbash:


Just hit "H", then walk away. They will stay put until you hit "H" again. You can even place them where you want them after hitting "H" and they will stay where you leave them.



3) More Party Members: I mean, okay when you are playing a pencil and paper (PnP) RPG in your living room with actual friends sitting around a table and interacting physically with each other, it is more manageable to only have say 3-4 party members (but I’m a grown-up, I could handle 8+ in the day, probably still can :devil: ). But this is a computer game, it should be able to handle many, many more party members. All I’d like is a standard six. That’s only two more than allowed. Is that at all possible? A party of six is optimal for my likings... :smile:


You can break the party limit using console commands and I think I saw a mod to do the same thing, but I can't recall what it is named....


5) Casual ‘Relations’: I’m sure this is already out there or something like it, I just can’t track it down. But I’d like for my hero to have one night stands with almost anybody I choose. I mean, anyone I can interact with in a inn, tavern, market (though perhps not merchants... unless they gave you a discount afterwards - though that may cheapen the whole affair...? :blink: ) etc. Would be nice to be able to go down that road (I role play as best I can in these games, sometimes my character - male or female - is a bit of a flirt, sometimes abstains, maybe is attracted to only serving wenches, maybe only elves, might be gay, might be bi... it all depends on how I feel when I generate the character at the time - I set the rule and it stays throughout the game, main quest relations not withstanding). My PC may not sleep with every NPC in the game, but I’d like to have the option and control who they do sleep with.


I’m thinking that is about it for now. Thanks for taking the time to read this, hope it hasn’t been to boring. Take care.


I would like to see more variety as well in the game itself, but for now you can DL the mods called "The Pearl Redone" and (I think) "More Options at the Pearl" for your kink! 1, 2, 3, 4, straight, gay, bi.... explicit (as much as they can do within the limits of the game physics)


I started the game the first time by seducing Iona, the visitin Teryn's elf servent... there are a couple of other encounters you can stumble in to, but they are very vanilla and I don't think anyone has actually scripted any "real" scenes. The girl at the Dalish camp, a three-some with Zev and the Duelist (I suck with names) etc.

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Thanks team for the responses. I shall look into what you have said, I really do appreciate it!


Chiramu, Thank you very much! I would never have even thought to search for 'Apathetic Morrigan' in the first place let alone think of what it might be called! There is also the thing where I may be told "There is a 'Sword of Everything and Total Destruction and Immunity to Everything and you don't Have to Play the Game at all Because There is no more Challenge Mod', and you should get it" only to search and not find it, because the creatoer of the mod always uses their name in the title somewhere, so really I should have searched for 'Little Timmy's Sword of Everything and Total Destruction and Immunity to Everything and you don't Have to Play the Game at all Because There is no more Challenge Mod' but could never have guessed the blokes name in my wildest dreams! LOL


Thanks again all! :)

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