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Mission Skip Mod/Final Battle Skip?


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I've just finished my first playthrough (late to the party much?) and I loved it. Only thing is that the missions can be very time consuming and a second play through is a daunting prospect considering I just want to make a human instead of an Elf, mess around with the relationships, and have a go at all the Landsmeet/Ending possibilities.


So are there any mods out there that skip either the long missions, or just The Final Battle? I already have Skip Ostagar and Skip The Fade (thank the lord...)


Thanks :)

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Welcome, stripeydani!


You've already got the two "skip portions of the game" mods that exist. Quickest way to get where you want to go is to set the Difficulty to "Easy", and take advantage of any of the "additem" mods to either a) get some overpowered gear so you can motor straight through the baddies, or b) sell it for enough gold to purchase all the fancy gear at "much too early an age." :tongue:


But I think you'll find tha DA is worth many serious re-plays The different origins are full, really different adventures in themselves. And by the time you finish one you've probably become attached to your new Warden and want to continue so you can see things from the new perspective. There is an incredible amount of dialogue that is specific to the Warden's origin and/or the particular Party composition of the moment. Even after 8+ full games I was still hearing new banter! :thumbsup:

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