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A darker Elder Scrolls


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i.e. Recovering from battle wounds and nursed back to health. (similar to NV) That's what I hoped for in Skyrim since it would be along the lines of the game context, oh well!
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Having the player start in a dungeon/prison in a Elder Scrolls game is just a tradition, like Christmas. Why does this annoy people?

Like Zaldiir mentioned, having a character with an unknown past fits well with the general "sandbox" theme of TES III and IV since it lets players come up with their own history for their characters.


Yes but there are other ways to start a story and you don't necessary need to start in a dungeon. Once or twice is nice, but constantly using this as a plot starter shows that you ran out of ideas and it isn't really a good look. You could have started out on a slave ship (if it was Morrowind) where a slaver was doing a check up before there was a riot and you escaped. You could have started in a middle of no-where with nothing and you were rescued by someone (like NV). There are numerous ways of starting a story that doesn't fall in prison scenarios.


Sure there are plenty of ways of starting a story, I'm certain that the devs are well aware of this. However I don't believe that they've run out of ideas and that the game will be a steaming pile of poo simply because the main character in Skyrim begins the game in a prison. Maybe the devs like consistency?


I for one judge RPGs by such things as quests and writing, not where my character starts her game.

Edited by GenocideLolita
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I do too and I always noticed that it always ended up the same way. All I want is a nice change to the story it self, I want them to twist it up. Also I never stated that Skyrim will be crap, I'll just be very disappointed that it starts like it usually would. Besides Skyrim is the only time where I can nerd-rage and go nuts with everything.
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I must have misunderstood this post where (as I interpreted it) your major concern about Skyrim is where the character starts his/her game. Sorry about that.


In regards to the story; the basic outline is most likely the usual epic story of Saving The World from Evil Threat X. We'll just have to wait and see what plots and subplots the devs have in mind for filling that outline. :)

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Starting in a Dungeon/Prison/Jail has become a tradition in TES, that is why they are still going for that, not because they have run out of ideas (You can see on all the other new features that they have certainly not run out of ideas!)


I guess you'd have to have played all the Elder Scrolls games to really feel nostalgic when starting in a dungeon. It's a tradition, and traditions are meant to be kept! :)

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I mean were in the middle of Winter in the montains....I think your character can have an acident and be saved by another...you could also haved been kidnaped, se I know its "Tradicion" to start in a prison but still...its does get stale and lame after a while...you dind't start out New Vegas has a baby now did you?
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I mean were in the middle of Winter in the montains....I think your character can have an acident and be saved by another...you could also haved been kidnaped, se I know its "Tradicion" to start in a prison but still...its does get stale and lame after a while...you dind't start out New Vegas has a baby now did you?


New Vegas doesn't have anything to do with TES... It is even made by another developer, so no connection what-so-ever... And Fallout doesn't have a tradition to start as a baby.. That has been the case once, while starting in a dungeon/jail in TES has been a tradition for 4 games now, there's a big difference.


I absolutely don't think it has become stale and lame at all. It's a small, non-important part of gameplay, but has become a symbol for those of us who have played the whole series. :)

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I must have misunderstood this post where (as I interpreted it) your major concern about Skyrim is where the character starts his/her game. Sorry about that.


In regards to the story; the basic outline is most likely the usual epic story of Saving The World from Evil Threat X. We'll just have to wait and see what plots and subplots the devs have in mind for filling that outline. :)


Well...damn we have gone off topic havent we?....well who cares....Starting off in a jail...well if started has say a prisoner of war that would be a change but still keeping with "tradicion" (I still think its not but fans will be fans) but still the whole notion of starting out in jail is that you did something wrong...look at Oblvion you start in jail because you need a pretex to see the king...You werent there for long because the prisoner in front of you dind't know you and sayed that you were new there...Now I do know that you start (and this might be a SPOILER and or wronng so...) in the chooping block with the executioner ready to cut your head off....now this in my mind at least mean that you did something REALLY bad and you are saved you are the last of Blades (I think, that of the Dragonborn) so your but is saved by Ester (again I think I got the name wrong but I'm to lazy to check).....now if this is wright I have no ideia how the Tuturial will actualy work (I'm geasing not every body agrees with Ester and you have to make a fast getaway) now this actualy is pretty good....it keeps with Tradicion but still sounds new and refreshing.....problem is that you character doesn't actualy start with no background....because you were in jail....about to get your head choped off

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Or just keep it Morrowind style - a short, simple tutorial, that teaches you everything you need to know in the beginning... You start off after having a dream, and meet another prisoner, then you leave - done.. Not some long boring tutorial like Oblivion had... (or Fallout 3 for that matter)
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