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What ideas do you have for gifts/souvenirs?


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Just cant resist to show the animated gif of snake.




well, with such a wicked animation, you don't need to resist


can't wait to see this working


i wonder if someone will take this idea, and make a can of venomous snakes......

this could be quite hilarious, seeing some Legion soldier open up a can, and bitten by several snakes :biggrin:

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You could always do nerfed (no bonus inferring) bobble heads from FO3. Their models are present in the GECK for NV. Those should take up some space. Making sure they're not quest items will allow the players to sprinkle them about the player homes and allow more than one in the inventory (for those like me who maintained more than one home).
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Hmm depending on how far you want to take it there are tons of things you could put in.


Trophies, for vanilla quests, that only become available to buy after the quest is done, and depending on how you completed it you can recieve different trophies, but each should be interesting and unique. Here is a related thread


Easter Eggs, -- This could be a very big and fun idea, I've been getting a good list of fun things to add but I can give you the basic idea, maybe items that are from other games and have no use, like a dud plasma grenade from Halo, or the skulls, or throwbacks to Classic Fallout like the magic 8 ball and things like that.

(Oh also you could do modern pop culture jokes, like finding a bieber wig, or Michael Vic's bones that have been chewed on by dogs. "Irony" etc.)

This could go onto shows, games, history, etc. Heres a Related thread


Random Clutter of course.


Parody items of popular mods. Like finding a mug that says I love to FOOK, or stupid little knic knacks like that.


So heres a tutorial for that just in case for the future for models that you find on my thread "Modders Resources And Models".

Models From Google Sketchup Up Into Fallout New Vegas



And here are some random threads and things that may give you some ideas with thier randomness.

Roman Power Armor for Caesar's Legion

Wolfwood From Trigun With His Cross

Gunblades And Keyblades From Games

Silly/Fun/Interesting Mods And Ideas -- Old thread with TONS of ideas and links and things, perfect to get a few ideas.

Steampunk Mods And Ideas - Great Thread With lots of fun and interesting ideas.

Tin Man's Can From Fallout 2 -- As it says it's meant for me and my project but If it interests you I'll try to get ahold of it so you can use it for now.

Special Encounters Mod And Easter Egg Thread

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