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ENB Install Help


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Hey , I've never done an ENB before because my old PC could never run one. Now that I upgraded I can run one so here I am now. I've successfully moved the files from the wrapper file downloaded from the ENB website. I originally wanted to use dynamo, however it didn't work. It was a toss up between another one so I figured i'd give the other one a try since Dynamo failed. I do not know whether or not I need to uninstall these files but I don't know which ones they are. So I've decided to switch to ENB of the Apocalypse. I just think it looks better overall and is the look I want from the game. However when I installed the dynamo ENB I used NCRvet's wonderful video found here: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JwmlFrO_kA" very straightforward. However now that I'm switching ENBs this ENB once extracted from the archive does not have the same format as the ones in the video to which I am confused and do not want to ruin my game. I could not find any other clear guides through my various google searches and what I'm looking for is someone to give me a step by step install guide to ENB of the Apocalypse and if necessary a uninstall guide for Dynamo. Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: Yeah for whatever reason Dynamo didn't work but ENB of the Apocalypse does

Edited by edog123456
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