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Negative Encumbrance


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My character was carrrying some adamantin ore... v. heavy stuff. I dropped some and gave some to the smith in Mournhold. After that my ecumbrance is negative. Even with a full set of heavy armor my ecumbrance reads zero - but it does build up... with 3 sets of HA my character is overencumbered... so how do I reset my ecumbrance values?


It is a nice bug but I don't enjoy having it/using it. How do I get rid of it?


Any ideas?

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I had something VERY similar. No matter what I carried my encumberance never went higher than 120. It got REALLY annoying after a while <I roleplay my characters and my Altmer Mage ain't suppose to lug a full set of every armor with him all the time.> The only way I found to get rid of it was to reinstall. Hopefully someone else has a better way <and less drastic> than mine but no matter what I did <disabled all plugins. Started a new game> nothing would work. So alas a fresh install was needed.
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Thanks for the help. I don't want to install it, good idead though (I normally do that). I was playing with another character before using this one and even with the plugins (same ones for both) there was no problem with encumbrance. I thought there might be a console command of somesort... perhaps not.


How was the game with an Altmer mage? I have played through the game as agent and warrior, now I would like to try a pure mage class... how was the experience? Any tips?


If my ecumbrance problem cannot be resolved I think I will just 'pretend' he has higher encumbrance... :(

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I think the problem is related to how the program tracks your weight. Rather than having a set weight for each item and your encumbrance being the sum of all of your carried items, it keeps a running total, adding and subtracting as you pick up and drop things. If there is a glitch in something you add, it can't reset the items to the weight of what they were, because it doesn't know what your total should be. As you drop things, your encumbrance goes down, even if already 0 because of a hiccup, thus, it has "reset" what your base should be. I had this problem once and, as HeLLL said, I reinstalled to get rid of it on that character.


As far as a pure mage class - I like a Breton with the Apprentice as the sign - lots of SP (elves would have even more). Make sure your class has spells in your major skills, ands some weapons in your minor skills. With spells in your major, you get lots of starting spells. Then, think like a Mage.

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  • 8 months later...

I've had this problem (or similar) too. I noticed that its only when you go to the smith in Mournhold and get some custom armour done. I think what happened is the the game subtracted the weight of X ebony chunks but left the actual ebony in my inventory. So when I then dropped the ebony...

On mine it doesn't display my weight as negative unless I am dropping items, it normally stays at 0 until I've picked up sufficient for it to become positive again.

Even though its useful, I'd prefer not to have it as I consider it cheating of a form. Besides I made some fortify strength spells for such contigencies anyway. I do not know of a way to fix the problem, I'll try the reinstallation suggestion.

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