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Case of the Mysterious Shrinking Fire Resistance


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Dear fellow DA people,


I have had this strange thing happening with two of my characters so far, both of whom are about level 11-12. :wallbash:


The first - Selene, a mage - gradually developed this ridiculously high defense score, which corresponded with a dramatically heightened cold resistance and a lowered fire resistance. As the game progressed, so did the problem, and it also extended to the companions, though their scores remained lower than mine, as though the increase was related to their time spent with me, either as the active group or just the general group. I have since deleted this character, though at the end her defense was >1000, her fire resistance was negative 75%, and her cold resistance was +100%.


The second - Amielle, a rogue - seems to have just started having the same problem, though not with the defense score, only with the fire resistance, and possibly the cold resistance. Currently in this game, Alistair and another companion (can't remember who) have negative 100% fire resistance, while Amielle has negative 35% fire resistance.


Possible Culprit 1:

Could this be due to an insane console? I only recently enabled the console, and with the first game Selene, where the problem was worse, I not only added a whole lot of items to my inventory via console (mainly from Rustyblade's Wardens in Black), but when learning how to use it, I also ended up typing a whole lot of random things and pressing enter many times before I learnt how to work the silly thing properly. With the second game Amielle, I haven't used the console at all, but it is enabled.


Possible Culprit 2:

Could it have something to so with the Broken Circle quest? Both characters had done that quest (Selene as her first part and Amielle after Nature of the Beast) before I noticed the problem. I've never noticed it before with any other characters.


Possible Culprit 3:

The Toolset? I've only recently started playing with the Toolset, mainly designing morphs, and Selene and Amielle are the first characters I've played with Toolset created morphs.


Possible Culprit 4:

I've been downloading mods from the Nexus since October. Is it possible that some of them are corrupted?



Any help is appreciated. :smile:



Thanks in advance,



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Possible Culprit 1:

Could this be due to an insane console?


-- No (Well, not unless you "accidently-on-purpose" managed to repeatedly type something that could do this EVERY TIME YOU PLAYED.)


Possible Culprit 2:

Could it have something to so with the Broken Circle quest?


-- No


Possible Culprit 3:

The Toolset? I've only recently started playing with the Toolset, mainly designing morphs, and Selene and Amielle are the first characters I've played with Toolset created morphs.


-- Only if you did more than change the appearances.


Possible Culprit 4:

I've been downloading mods from the Nexus since October. Is it possible that some of them are corrupted?


-- No to the 2nd part (in the sense of containing malware.)


As to the first part of "Culprit 4", you have to provide more info. What mods?

(And if the list is over a half-dozen, learn to use the [ spoiler ] tags. :whistling: )

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I've noticed you have the Warden's in Black mod, are your characters wearing any of the items as these tend to give high defensive, offensive stats.


Also check what other items your character may be wearing, as this could be adding these rates up. If not let me know and I'll have another think.





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What do you mean by 'spoiler', Thandal? Sorry if I've made a faux pas?


Oh, dear. It's started to get worse with Amielle. Now she (-100), Leliana (-100), Alistair (-100), Zevran (-70), and the Mabari (-95) have major problems with fire resistance. Others are unaffected. Cold resistance is unaffected and defence unaffected for everyone except Wynne, who over the last couple of hours of playing has suddenly developed a 1000 point Dexterity score and corresponding defence. Amielle's fire resistance went from -35 to -100 in those two hours. I uninstalled Wardens in Black a couple of days ago, because the items were too highly powered anyway. I am pretty sure it's got nothing to do with what they are wearing.


Mods installed recently:

Mutantspicy's Magic Vault (no longer installed)

Manolax's Royal Guard of El'garnan

Legacy of Sundown

Visible Console

ZDF and MRP (newest versions)

Rapture's Witcher

Rashanta's Armoury

TnT Enarmored

TnT Black Widow

Tintable TnT Enarmored Standalone

Warden's Motto Set

Shadow Warden Armour


Furufuru Armour

Respecification V2

Wing of Lilith

Robes of the High Dragon (can only be added through console)

Dragon Age Face Replacer


Also a while back I installed the Spell Shaping mod, and every time I open a game there is a box telling me it has detected a conflict with another mod and that the Spell Shaping mod might not work properly. I just ignored it because it seemed to be working mostly how it should. Maybe that's it?


I think I'm going to shear down my list of mods, regardless. Most of them I don't use anyway. I just use the constantly respawning armours for Winter Forge fodder and money.

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What do you mean by 'spoiler', Thandal? Sorry if I've made a faux pas?



Mods installed recently:



Mutantspicy's Magic Vault (no longer installed)

Manolax's Royal Guard of El'garnan

Legacy of Sundown

Visible Console

ZDF and MRP (newest versions)

Rapture's Witcher

Rashanta's Armoury

TnT Enarmored

TnT Black Widow

Tintable TnT Enarmored Standalone

Warden's Motto Set

Shadow Warden Armour


Furufuru Armour

Respecification V2

Wing of Lilith

Robes of the High Dragon (can only be added through console)

Dragon Age Face Replacer


So only those who care to review the long list have to have half their screens taken up with one-line entries.


If you "Reply" to this reply, you'll see the underlying "bb" code and how to use the [ spoiler ]...[ /spoiler ] tags (without the "spaces".)


I think I'm going to shear down my list of mods, regardless. Most of them I don't use anyway. I just use the constantly respawning armours for Winter Forge fodder and money.

Good idea! That's always my recommendation when there's some unexplained bad behavior.


1. Disable all ".dazip" entries except the official DLC.

2. Cut-Paste the "C:\[user's documents]\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override" folder somewhere else.

3. Start the game ("Force Load" as needed.)

4. See if problem went away.

5. Since it probably did, start putting mods back in batches until I've identified the miscreant! :tongue:


Good Luck! :thumbsup:

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