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Advice on how to make a mod.


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I requested a mod but I figured that I might as well try it myself. However I have no idea about scripting and the mod I had in mind would require that along with some other stuff maybe. My idea was to make it so a character wearing high heels would actually be affected in a realistic way. I had the idea of agility based where with a low agility stat you can only walk in high heels barley with a lot of tripping and attempting to run would be instant fall. Leveling up agility would increase your ability to walk and eventually run in heels but uneven ground and quick movements would still have a chance of causing you to trip.


Then I had an idea that instead of agility based it could have it's own level system. You have to wear them to learn to walk in them properly but wearing them too long would cause health and stat penalties. but if you keep wearing them despite the penalties eventually your characters feet become accustomed to them and wearing other shoes besides heels would give you penalties.


So yeah it is ambitious for a newb but It is certainly something I would like to at least try.

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If you want to add to the list of things which might be relevant, remember walking would look different, so new animations might be needed. Also if a male character tries it, you might want to play with their personality rating to see how others would respond.Good luck with the mod - even if you don't succeed, you're bound to learn an awful lot about modding.
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