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Custom broken scope sight


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I have been searching and reading for days on how to do this but to no avail...... What I am trying to do sounds simple in theory but has proven itself to be frustrating to say the least. I am working on a custom weapon that has "been to hell and back", to go along with this concept I thought it would be extremely neat as well as unique if I was to add a custom scope sight that was damaged and cracked. I can't seem to figure out how to create a new or modified .nif file and apparently GECK can't do what I need it to do either...


"Has Scope


* Target NIF: The file containing the overlay effect used in iron sights mode.

* Effect: The shader effect applied to the target, or the view, when the scope is used.


Note: It appears that this value is ignored by the game engine."


This is basically what I'm trying to do.... end result will be of much better quality.



If someone could point me to a howto page dealing with this concept or a working model I haven't seen it would be appreciated.

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When I do custom reticles, I just modify and existing on like mildot. Take a look at the nif file and the textures.


Or drop me an email and I will see what I can do.


todg at cordite.com

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I did a quick modded reticle by using an reticle dd files and using a cracked image i found online and converting it to a transparency. I pasted it over the reticle image and this is the result. done in less than 5 minutes. I am sure you could find a better crack to work with. I didn't bother to invert the color. Just a proof of concept.



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Thanks for the help, I didn't notice until now that there was a specific texture file hidden in there.. Once I switched the view from tree to list I figured it out.



file uploaded and credits for the help added.

Edited by anarchyinc666
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