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Mod Wish List

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Hello Team,


Loving this game, but there are a lot of annoying/tedious/silly systems in the game that could do with some changes. Anyhow, here is my wish list:


1. Jumping in Combat - when fighting (especially monsters) I spend a lot of time rolling around. Getting killed because you got stuck on a twig is a bit silly. Not to mention how much of a nightmare it is fighting flying enemies on hills.


2. Horse Fast Travel - It would be nice if the horse would appear with you nearby when you fast travel so you don't have to call it.


3. Better Pathing for horse - Horse does not seem to be smart enough to jump on its own, so it gets stuck on the graphics a lot when you call it.


4. Better Container Looting - Very frustrating trying to find just the right angle/location to be able to loot a container. There should be either a 'loot all' option, or some way to enable cursor clicking.


5. Toggle Witcher Senses - Should be a way you can toggle this ability rather than holding down a key.


6. Toggle Fast Run - also would be nice to be able to toggle running/horse gallop for the same reason.


7. Quick Travel From Anywhere - Kind of a dumb system to make you have to move to a sign in order to travel. I mean really, what quest or action would it break to be able to fast travel from anywhere?


8. Unlock camera - Would love to be able to back off the camera to see a wider view, or to get a close up on something I want to inspect.


9. Better Inventory Management - Even though there is a quest items tab, the game still gives you books/notes/letters that when you read them they unlock a quest. There are so many items that you get, but run out of weight limit really fast. I would like to see a better distribution of what gets but where.


10. Central Storage Location - The game really discourages being a hoarder/packrat. There are a lot of cool items that I would love to be able to store somewhere and not carry them around (horse trophies, alchemy/crafting items, cool looking weapons/armor...).


Thanks for everything. Everyone have a wonderful day!

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