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Dead Money


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Soon I hope here is to betha screwing us again. No one likes PC gamers any more V_V


actually, that's quite the opposite

think of this in the following way:

xBox players have to buy this DLC as it is, when it still has bugs and such

so they have a long time to play it, but it's quite buggy (and since i saw a complete playthrough of the DLC on Youtube, i can tell you that it is quite buggy)


so in the end, we may get it several months later, but we will enjoy a bug-free version (or at least far less buggy version)


besides, we have modding capabilities and an incredible community of modders here

so even without DLCs for the PC, we still get to enjoy more of the game (but the DLCs are obviously welcome :biggrin:)


i am eager to play this one, as it looked quite good, and really creepy, which is good

but i am more eager to hear about the other DLCs that were announced (in a way, at least)

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Argh I know this already WastelandAssassin I am just trying to spew more hate and what not is all. Yup hopefully we got a less buggy DLC then the xbox players did. Still though we gotta use that terrid steam....No I actually love steam I just wish I had disks for all the game sI own on steam but I buy it when ever I can.

Still thats what I will miss for the DLC while the xbox players get a CD we will most likley have to buy it off steam.

Still it sounds like an awesome DLC hope it adds some awesome things to the game so the modders can take it and fly with it.

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Argh I know this already WastelandAssassin I am just trying to spew more hate and what not is all. Yup hopefully we got a less buggy DLC then the xbox players did. Still though we gotta use that terrid steam....No I actually love steam I just wish I had disks for all the game sI own on steam but I buy it when ever I can.

Still thats what I will miss for the DLC while the xbox players get a CD we will most likley have to buy it off steam.

Still it sounds like an awesome DLC hope it adds some awesome things to the game so the modders can take it and fly with it.


have you seen the contents of this DLC??

i thought that i will never get to play it, so i watched the whole playthrough series of videos, which was quite long, but i was really impressed


on the one hand, i would really recommend that you look it up (i can direct you to the specific one i saw)

but on the other hand, you may want not to know how it is, so that you can enjoy it more when you get to play it


and yeah, i get that you don't get to have a CD of the game, which does s**k, but if that's the price we have to pay to have mods, it's a small price to pay :)

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Well, if you think about it we do pay about 10 dollars less for a PC game than people pay for an xbox or ps3 game usually. We also get mods, community bugfixes, and we can play the game wherever we have our laptops. So in a sense, it may be kind of fair for the consoles to get it first even though I don't agree with it.
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Well I have the CD for new vegas it so happened I picked up the last copy from my local EB games.

I think its a small price too but I am pretty old school and I love CDs and DVDs even when I no longer need them.

Also my laptop has no hope what so ever of playing this game so I gotta lug my huge tower arround Lol.

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I don't understand all the hate i'm seeing here against Steam. Steam basically has saved PC gaming, just admit it, they have deals there all the time and on the holidays it goes crazy, i saw huge titles at even 50% off, you don't see that at retail stores, plus they'r download speeds aren't bad i usually get around 1 mb/s, if your having problems with it just change to a different less used download server or your internet connection is just terrible.
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Yeah, Steam is actually very good, unless they stop the whole thing.

Already got almost 30 games on there, most bought with some percent off...

Or in last case...very much off.

Bought Battlefield Bad Company 2 for about 12 euros around christmas, now the price is 40 euros.

Awesome deals.

And download speed is quite good too, aorund 600-700 kbps (almost 1 mb per second).

And i don't need a disc, don't get a disc either that is, but hey...CD's/DVD's can stop working, so our games thru steam is rather safe.

And as for the Dead Money DLC...looks quite awesome, and i won't bother paying a 10 euros extra for it...or 1 with a good deal off ;)

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