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Attribute Effects


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I am currently running Oscuro 1.31 and am a vampire. I am at level 18 and I notice that my attributes have negative effects as if I had a disease but that is not the case. Just today I notice I have a modification of -52 on my Agility out of nowhere. I have never determined how to regain negative attribute effects, except in the case of curing a disease. I have no disease. When I played the game previously without Oscuro loaded, I did not observe this behavior. I cannot locate any information on how Oscuro mod determines what attributes are affected negatively and why. Can anybody tell me anything about this? Since I have not been able to determine how to negate this effect, I am now at a standstill with my Agility sitting at 10 due to the -52 effect.
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Guest Tessera
I personally have no idea. I will add a comment, however and say that things like this were what induced me to remove Oscuro's mod about a week after I had installed it.
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My apologies, chalk this one up to User Brain Damage. I had not played for sometime between standard Oblivion and Oscuro and completely forgot about praying at the altar, doh! That is all it was. Overall, the Oscuro mod is quite good, at least for me. I found issues with enchanted gear that seems a bit flaky at odd times and it does seem to reduce FPS a tad, but other than that, I like the changes.


Again, sorry for my confusion.

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