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Help! bug cnt get in door in dark brother hood mission


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Hey all i am stuck on whodunit where i have to kill member in a party and it will not allow me to eneter the door =/ sorry cnt do screenshot for some reason, so i tryed to click on the door won't let me eneter.. btw i am a vampire the place is in skingrad pls help me



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Please do not start the same thread in two places, Batista. When someone knows the answer (or can help) they will.


Firstly check the quest is in your journal. Sometimes you can try to start before completing the dialogue. Secondly you don't open the door until you have talked with the guy standing outside. He gives you the key. If you have done all that and you have the key and the door still won't open, post here again. The quest is not bugged but sometimes mods can cause breaks the modders don't even realise. Do you have any mods that could conflict?

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Well, I don't have many Ob mods so I'm not well-placed to advise on potential conflicts.


First check if the key to Summitmist Manor is in your inventory. If it isn't, then the conflict occurs when the guy is supposed to give it to you. If it is and the door still won't open you can try using the console to see if only the opening of the door or the whole quest is blocked. Open the console, click on the door and type 'unlock'. Save first of course. The quest might proceed normally or, if you find the place empty, you'll need to sort out where the mod conflict is occuring.

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  • 4 months later...
i pressed unlocked is ask for somthing elese when i pressed it =/

Click on the door first.

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