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Anything out there about unarmed combat?


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Unrealistic means nothing in a game with dragons, giants and mages shooting fireballs, and for the unnecesary part, you cant become a true epic barbarian without killing a bear with your own hands. I wish they remade the skill in order to make it feel more dirty and harsh like the wrestling scene of Conan the Barbarian, and not just throwing punchs,
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Unrealistic means nothing in a game with dragons, giants and mages shooting fireballs,

That argument again...

Listen, if a world with dragons, magic and giants existed, the laws of nature would still make a sword do more damage than a fist. In fact, the more dragons, magic and giants there are, the more reasonable it seems to use a weapon.

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Totally want to see someone punch a dragon to death. :thumbsup:


The problem with doing more than punches is that it would require creating an entirely new form of combat, and they might as well have to completely rewrite how they did battles all together. If you could grab some guy, do a suplex or choke hold, then submit him before breaking his arm... there is no room for adding this into the game engine unless it was intended from the start.


There is a reason people invented weapons. Successful unarmed combat against multiple enemies who do have weapons is completely impossible.

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So if a sword do more damage than a fist... swords should be also out of the game, there are people casting lightning and fireballs, in a realistic way there is no way a man armed with a sword sould beat someone that could kill him casting a thunder on him just waving a hand, and also there is no way an armored knight could beat a giant or a dragon.


And the laws of phisics serve fantasy, not the other way.

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So if a sword do more damage than a fist... swords should be also out of the game, there are people casting lightning and fireballs, in a realistic way there is no way a man armed with a sword sould beat someone that could kill him casting a thunder on him just waving a hand, and also there is no way an armored knight could beat a giant or a dragon.

You can chop the dragon's head off with a sword, but not with your hands. You can stab a magician to death with a sword and kill him pretty quickly if you manage to get close. Doesn't work too well with your hands.

And the laws of phisics serve fantasy, not the other way.


Edited by Cleverar
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So if a sword do more damage than a fist... swords should be also out of the game, there are people casting lightning and fireballs, in a realistic way there is no way a man armed with a sword sould beat someone that could kill him casting a thunder on him just waving a hand, and also there is no way an armored knight could beat a giant or a dragon.

You can chop the dragon's head off with a sword, but not with your hands. You can stab a magician to death with a sword and kill him pretty quickly if you manage to get close. Doesn't work too well with your hands.

And the laws of phisics serve fantasy, not the other way.



who cares? if you dont want it to be good, just dont use it. dont spoil other peoples fun by not allowing it. maybe hand to hand shouldnt be as strong as a sword, but it should be balanced with the sword and have a use with in the game.

also, you may want to play as a strong ninja who sneaks up behind people and breaks there neck /barbarian character, whos punches can shatter bones. dont stop people from doing that.

Edited by shasjas
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