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Anything out there about unarmed combat?


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Just read some of the older post... some people really seem to have a problem with the whole "swords do more damage, we don't need fists" thing. Simple solution... if by the end of the game you can take down a dragon with a few slices (Its going to happen)... then surely it is possible that you can best an untrained bandit with your fists...



What I would like to see, is gauntlets increasing damage or unarmed weapons (Fallout style)


And how about being able to do unarmed attacks when your main weapon is sheathed?

I can just see it now... Travelling along a road and a bandit jumps out and assaults you, what do you do?

Throw a punch at him, staggering him, then on the followthrough grab your sword from its sheath, and stab him while he just recovering


Or, with duel-weilding, they could just have it that if one hand is empty (No weapon or spell) you can use unarmed

So you can throw a quick jab at people in between sword swings

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Yes. Unarmed combat adds a lot of variety into fighting, such as the situation described up there.

See Deadly Reflex. Shield bashing is not so different from unarmed combat, it is simply that you are using your shield, a blunt surface, rather than your sword. Using a fist is not so different, especially against fleshy enemies or certain weak points.

I also say that unarmed combat should be extended not only into using your body, but using your surroundings. In a building, picking up a chair and swinging it for massive damage is a VERY viable option, as is using a rock to bash a creature or human's brains in. Throwing rocks or other objects should also go into unarmed combat, because for all matters, you ARE unarmed and forced to use whatever you can.


I'm very FOR this unarmed combat stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While most of the replies to this topic come as "is unarmed combat realistic" I will bypass all that and stick to the main point; the implementation of it in the game.

I have no doubts that it will be included in Skyrim, as it has been in Morrowind, Oblivion, and not to mention Fallout.


While I do not enjoy it, I am for the addition of gauntlets/gloves. I feel this is a better solution than a magical/ki strike type of option simply because, while interesting, it leads to the dilemma of imbalance.


You cannot gain this mystical "ki/chi/whatever" ability while using weapons. However if there were some form of equipment you could use for unarmed, not only would you not feel left out by having to pass up all those drops, but you could then enchant them just as you would any other weapon.


As a side note; be careful what you wish for. Those of you wanting unarmed to play a bigger role, look what happened with Fallout: New Vegas. People were unhappy with unarmed combats role in Fallout 3, and it got a substantial boost in New Vegas. So much so that most of the high level perks are geared for unarmed combat and as such people quickly realized that unarmed builds, with the right leveling choices, could become a much more powerful build than most other options.

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Just to let recent and future posters know again, that "mystical ki/chi" stuff that I've already described isn't magic, it's your life force. I used it and the monk as an example to let you know the extent of what h2h is capable of in a fantasy setting. It would be fair game to use it as an excuse for why you can beat a dragon to death with your hands, just as you can somehow put magic into a weapon or your shoes. It'd be a background, unmentioned game mechanic. Besides, as a monk, you wouldn't just use h2h. No one is saying bend the game towards the will of the h2h player, just that we hope it's got it's own branch of perks of is as cool as any other weapon. I'd like to get my h2h better by raising its level and getting perks. That's just me.
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  • 4 weeks later...


The problem with doing more than punches is that it would require creating an entirely new form of combat, and they might as well have to completely rewrite how they did battles all together. If you could grab some guy, do a suplex or choke hold, then submit him before breaking his arm... there is no room for adding this into the game engine unless it was intended from the start.


Not only this but the clipping would be insane, along with stretched textures.



There is a reason people invented weapons. Successful unarmed combat against multiple enemies who do have weapons is completely impossible.


One person can disarm and incapacitate a small group of assailants, with the help of an advanced knowledge of martial arts. Bruce lee could easily take out 5 or 6 attackers with his bare hands, as could an expert in the following discipline:


"Krav Maga (pronounced /ˌkrɑːv məˈɡɑː/; Hebrew: קרב מגע‎, IPA: [ˈkʁav maˈɡa], lit. "contact combat") is a hand-to-hand combat system developed in Israel that involves striking techniques, wrestling and grappling, mostly known for its extremely efficient and brutal counter-attacks"


"General principles include:

Counter attacking as soon as possible (or attacking preemptively).

Targeting attacks to the body's most vulnerable points such as the eyes, jaw, throat, groin, knee etc.

Neutralizing the opponent as quickly as possible by responding with an unbroken stream of counter attacks and if necessary a take down/joint break.

Maintaining awareness of surroundings while dealing with the threat in order to look for escape routes, further attackers, objects that could be used to defend or help attack and so on."



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