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OOO, MMM, CObl with out FCOM possible?


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I have failed to install FCOM properly or my CPU just cant handle it, so i am going to cut down.


I want to install MartigensMonsterMod, OscurosOblivionOverhaul, and CommonOblivion (Cobl) only.


can i do this without installing FCOM? i really want to avoid this.


if i dont install fcom, will my game break or crash, or stop working after ertain quest points or anything like that?


anyone with knowledge of FCOM please tell me.


will give kudos for all helpful advice :)

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well, i am testing at the moment. It seems so far that you can use them (OOO, MMM, COBL) without FCOM. however, there is a bug that makes all corpses green. anyone with knowledge how to fix this please post it.
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i fixed the green corpse bug


Using OOO 1.34b, MMM 3.7, and Cobl


1. I made the 'Textures' 'Sound' and 'Meshes' folders that came with MMM into a .bsa file (using OBMM bsa creator feature), since MMM didnt come with a BSA


1a. Also I names the .bsa 'Mart's Monster Mod for OOO'


1b. i placed the Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa into my 'data' folder.



2. I clicked link provided by googles2 to download the file called MMM.esp


2b. I left the file name alone (MMM.esp) and placed it in my 'data' folder



3. I used BOSS to sort the mods, then i activated the mod in the oblivion launcher.


i went to test it and the corpses no longer turn green.

thanks for your help goggles2



here is the post that led me to fixing it.



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