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Bioware will eventually release preorder content as DLC to maxmise pro


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(maximise profits) It would be stupid of them not to; maybe 5 months down the line some Joe discovers the game and thinks, wow, this is awesome! and then sees what he is missing; there will be tons of people like that and Bioware will need to release that stuff as DLC to get their money too; just my take on things. Edited by Stardusk
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You know that other companies do it, it's not like BioWare is the first and frankly, the whole who-ha about Seb as a Day 1 DLC is really getting overrated. He's like Warden's Keep, something that doesn't really impact on the story what-soever. I didn't need WK to finish Origins and I certainly don't think that Seb is required to finish DA2 either.


If Seb was cut just for profits I would agree but I don't know much about how BioWare manages it's budget and other resources. I do know that BioWare has it's own DLC team and budget that has a different timetable from the rest of the game and that DLC for DA2 will be dramaticly improved to match ME2. Up and all, we should really get over it as another way of developers to make money.

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  • 4 months later...

This topic seems to be about Dragon Age 2, but since I'm reading it in the Dragon Age: Origins forum, I'll make a comment for that game.


I have Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition on the PC. I found the wiki page for downloading MOST of the pre-order promotional DLC items: (scroll down to the very bottom for links)




However, there are eight promotional items that still require a code to unlock them:


  1. Memory Band
  2. Feral Wolf Charm
  3. Guildmaster's Belt
  4. Band of Fire
  5. Dalish Promise Ring
  6. Bergen's Honor
  7. Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes
  8. Final Reason

I logged into the BioWare Social site and used the "Chat with a representative" option. They told me that they are no longer giving out codes for these items. So there is no way to get them, unlike the other promotional items on this page, like The Edge and The Lion's Paw. Bummer.

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... He's like Warden's Keep, something that doesn't really impact on the story what-soever. I didn't need WK to finish Origins and I certainly don't think that Seb is required to finish DA2 either...

Hear! Hear! I never found a use for him beyond the additional xp for completing his PQs. Varric is my Archer (if my Hawke isn't one already) and anyway, his Banter is annoyingly prissy. (Almost as much as Anders' is annoyingly whinging! :tongue: )

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