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Realistic fatigue for npcs?


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I'm trying to find a mod, with no success so far, which adds "real fatigue" features to NPCs. Having a real fatigue mod for my player character has helped the immersion feel, but the never-tiring, always sprinting hordes are beginning to make the whole game seem odd. Is it possible to add similar "real fatigue" effects to at least the human/elf/closely related races, so that they also "run out of puff" after a while?
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I'm trying to find a mod, with no success so far, which adds "real fatigue" features to NPCs. Having a real fatigue mod for my player character has helped the immersion feel, but the never-tiring, always sprinting hordes are beginning to make the whole game seem odd. Is it possible to add similar "real fatigue" effects to at least the human/elf/closely related races, so that they also "run out of puff" after a while?

I'm in no way an expert but I can tell you from my personal experience that the realistic fatigue mod does add the realistic affects to NPC's. In my game not only do I run out of breath and energy after a while of running or fighting, but the NPC's do also. I have seen them trip and fall in my game, as well as pass out from exhaustion panting heavily. Perhaps in your game they aren't doing that simply because their fatigue stats are high enough to prevent them from doing that? There are only two other reasons why you would not be experiencing npc fatigue that I can think of. Either your mod is botched somehow, or it isn't the same as the one I have. I think there is only one realistic fatigue mod though.

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