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DAO money problem


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hey guys can anyone help me with this , every time i go to a shop it says i have negative money and every time i sell something it stays negative it just changes the number and i have moded the game a lot and i figured it was one of the mods but i cant figure out wich one can anyone help any info would be greatly appreciated. :wallbash:
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Do you have a mod installed that let you accumulate (or "almost" accumulate) more than 999,999 in gold? If so, finacial transactions will start going neagtive, since the game doesn't have a way to keep track of greater amounts in the PC's "account".
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although when i moded some wepons i sold most of the and almost all of them were sold at or over 2000 gold

Maybe I slipped a few digits. Maybe the magic number is 10K in gold (1M in coppers.)


I forget which unit was cited in the mention of the limit. I think RustyBlade (or possibly DarkeWolf) is where I heard about this problem. If 10K gp is the limit and you were selling "custom" items at over 2K each, you could exceed the max amount pretty quickly. :laugh:

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If you have the toolset and it's a small enough savegame, you can go in and edit the savegame to reduce the amount of gold on your character. Say to about 120,000.

Or, you can use DA Beguiler to cheat your way back down to a level that won't kick in the bug. Using the - Gold function.


You do have to use a point to activate teh beguiler skill tho. But you can add that via console.

http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console for how to activate and the commands for the console.

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o thank you very much but i fixed it i just loaded a older save from before i sold the items but i have a question for u guys because u guys seem to know wat your doing when it comes to this game . is their a mod for free roam after you beat the game
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hahahaha wow. Its so uncommon that people will use an earlier save around here, that I TOTALLY forgot about that as an option! :laugh: :wacko:


Well, unfortunately, no. Like we said in your other thread, nobody has come up with a way to unlock the map again, after you've finished the game. Sorry for the bad news on that one :(

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