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Increasing performance


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I dont care about visuals in the least bit. I have a rather low end computer. Win 7, aspier 5532 1.6ghz processor, 3 gb of ram, and a graphics card with 1408mb of hypermemory. Falout plays ok, but there is a very noticible lag whenever I perform an action. Whether it is as simple as straffing to the left or shooting a gun, there is about 1/2 - 1 second pause between what i say to do and what happens. It makes it very hard to aim and shoot my gun, o perform many actions.


I only saw 2 mods on the forum for increased performance on the fallout3nexus and I was wondering if anyone had any performance mods, or just little tricks to make the game go smoother. Oblivion had a ton of performance mods, and I was able to do something that made it so that when I pushed alt+tab, and switched to my desktop, i wasnt ale to use anything. I thought that was the disable desktop composition, but I have that checked as well, and when i go to play fallout 3, whenever I push alt + tab, I can do anything on my desktop. So if anyone has any tips whatsoever, please let me know :)

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your GPU is integrated, and your processor speed is too low.. i'm not recommend any increase mods, just you need try to lower the settings and resolution..turn off AA/AF. and much more.

ALT+TAB wasnt recommended in Fallout, and in some system will causing instability..

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I only saw 2 mods on the forum for increased performance on the fallout3nexus and I was wondering if anyone had any performance mods, or just little tricks to make the game go smoother.

so what were they? Ive only heard of two, mabye theyre the same : Fallout Stutter Remover and Improved Game Performance


you can also see if NMCs LITE with reduced bump maps texture pack improves things, its an upgrade but promises to improve performance over the vanilla game for low end systems, and try the Tweak Guides to improve some ingame and ini settings

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