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Doing a simple mod, need some quick assistance.


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Like the title said, im doing something pretty simple, but im having the issue of not being able to find the textures i need.

Said textures would be the male/female bodies textures without clothes (their bare bodies), and the outfit they wear when you take clothes off them (the weird t-shirt/underwear combo), and Lee Olivers outfit. Diffs/Normals, etc.

So yeah, if someone could snag those for me, it'd be greatly appreciated.

The rest i can handle myself.

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The textures you're looking for should be in the Fallout - Textures.bsa or Fallout - Textures2.bsa. You can open those with the included bsa browser in FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager).


However, there is no 'bare' texture, the clothing is part of the body texture. Short of a body/texture replacer for that, you won't find bare bodies. As for any other textures, just browse around until you find what you need. There are utilities for viewing .dds files

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