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Playing Oblivion, After Skyrim, Plus Mods



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  1. 1. Will you download mods and play Oblivion after Skyrim?

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I'll definitly still go back to Oblivion. Personally, I'm constantly switching the CDs in my laptop from Oblivion to Morrowind all the time, I play them both equally, because I feel they're both really great games.


I just started to learn how to mod with Oblivion and I'm decent at it, so I can't wait to try my skills at Skyrim, but I think I'm going to wait until the GOTY edition of Skyrim comes out. The originals always have a lot of bugs in them and I figure I'll just wait another year anyways, seeing as how I'm still working on a few things for Oblivion.

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I am sure that many people will still be playing Oblivion and enjoy your future release. There are very many people who still are playing Morrowind, and I am sure people will still be playing Morrowind after Skyrim is released, so there should be no issue with your work being overlooked. :biggrin:
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I probably won't buy Skyrim at release cause I'm not convinced that my computer can handle it, the game will probably be $50-60, and it will probably be buggy. I'll probably stick with Oblivion for a time.


EDIT: Holy crap I used "probably" more than I intended.

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  • 10 months later...

I will definitely be continuing to play Oblivion.


I bought Skyrim and I wish I hadn't. I wanted to love it, but...in truth I absolutely cannot stand it.


As a result, I'll definitely be modding and collecting mods for Oblivion more heavily than ever. Plenty of people will move on to Skyrim and not look back, but not all of us! :thumbsup: I'll be very happy to see new mods still appearing for Oblivion.


And hey, even if the demand for Oblivion mods vanished almost entirely, I don't think that would stop those of us who love modding it.



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In many ways the Oblivion and Morrowind game mechanics and interface are better than those in Skyrim. I am not really sure what the designers were thinking when they did it this way. Part of what they were thinking is that the game was only for consoles and it doesn't matter if PC users can't make the controls work easily. The money is in the console game and the PC version was a jury rigged afterthought. The game is dumbed-down a bit from Oblivion which was majorly dumbed-down from Morrowind. Arcade games for teens with Attention Deficit Disorder.


I really thought that I would just totally love Skyrim like I did with Morrowind and Oblivion, but I am afraid that Skyrim is not as irresistible as they were.


I guess what I had been dreaming of for the last year is that they would take the Fallout 3 game engine, port the Oblivion or Morrowind game mechanics into it, and reskin it look like the province of Skyrim.

Edited by David Brasher
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I did... While the vanilla game wasn't, I modded Oblivion to be the best game ever... It'll take a good while before Skyrim gets close to this (if it even can)


haha same here, im still playing skyrim but i dunno.. got the best armor, good weapons and almost destroy everything on the highest difficulty in 1 hit so the only exciting thing left for me is adventure, i usually get bored after 30 minutes or 1 hour because its the progression that fuels me to play more, the leveling and becoming stronger. i could take enchanting but whats the point if i already 1 hit kill everything right? so when i get bored i usually search around this site for oblivion mods in preparation to play that :)

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Arcade games for teens with Attention Deficit Disorder.


I really thought that I would just totally love Skyrim like I did with Morrowind and Oblivion, but I am afraid that Skyrim is not as irresistible as they were.


I guess what I had been dreaming of for the last year is that they would take the Fallout 3 game engine, port the Oblivion or Morrowind game mechanics into it, and reskin it look like the province of Skyrim.

That's hilarious! But honestly, I don't think think game producers are necessarily aiming at ADD teens. The gaming generation is getting older. We don't have near as much time on our hands as we used to. Now we have work deadlines to meet, kids to take care of, and very little free time anymore... and the market is following this generation because its the one that has the highest sales. This means games for gamers with time constraints, which means games that used to take 80-100 hours to complete are no longer selling. Now games are coming to the average completion time of 40 hours to meet the demand for gamers who don't have a lot of time to play anymore.


It also means more sales because the less time to develop one title means more time for the next title.


I was also hoping Skyrim would be like Fallout3. I haven't bought Skyrim yet because I can't afford a new rig yet, but I was looking forward to playing it. Sounds like I might be disappointed with it too. :sad:

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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