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Im trying to set up a stage jump after the player kills a few people but what I have isnt working. For the actors script that the player needs to kill I have


Scn THAssassinScript

Begin OnDeath

Set TH001.THDeath to +1



The for the actual quest script I have


Scn TH001Script


Short THDeath


Begin GameMode



A bunch of scripting



If TH001.THDeath == 4

SetStage TH001 50





But this isnt working. I go into the game and play the quest up to this point and after killing the actors the quest doesnt continue. So I checked the quest variables in the game but it only says THDeath == 0. So I think something is wrong with the actor scripts then?? But I dont know for sure... so I am asking here if anyone knows how to do it or knows which quest does the same thing? Thanks for the help

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