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Creating and Adding a Map


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I've been trying to learn about how to create a map for a worldspace and implement it, but so far I've hit a dead end. I manage to generate a map using the "Create Local Maps" option, but when I implement it, it looks wrong. What I get is a black square with a bunch of multicolored boxes that represent roads, and when I test ingame, no new map appears.


Anyone know how to do it properly?



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What he wants to know is how to generate a map for a worldspace like the one you see in the pipboy. You should read more thoroughly next time to avoid confusion.


I've tried doing this myself, but have not turned up anything. That is why I prefer not to make new worldspaces, but if a solution is found I would greatly appreciate it.

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I recommend a tool called tesannwyn. You can find it on the elder scrolls nexus. IT is a command line utility, and it exports your heightmap to a BMP or RAW image file, and then you can convert it to a dds file in either gimp or photoshop and inside world spaces in the geck, you uncheck "Use Map Data" and give it the path to that dds.




I have had no luck in getting the map to position appropriately, after generation. It looks smashing, but it is very inaccurate position-wise.

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