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save crash..?


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Yeah i have apocalypse armory, recon stealth armor and the dlc;s, im not sure if its patched, since its the version with the dlc's would it be already patched or no?


its actually is that the latest?

Edited by JEbach89
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I'm having the same problem...sucks because I'm running FWE (Wanderers Edition) on really hard settings, and progress is tough to come by. Game was running well with this and several other mods (ones that are FWE compatible, as well as a couple other very minor ones) for 12.5 hours or so, now crashes whenever I attempt to save. I can turn autosaves off and the game seems to run fine, but come on, you can't run around forever without saving.


I've read up on it a bit. The community seems to think it might be to do with sound driver issues (turn off Alchemy in Windows 7?), but I don't buy it, as it JUST stopped working after many hours of play. I ran FO3Edit and created a Merged Compatibility patch, turned the HDR or whatever graphics setting to Bloom... nothing helps on either front. I could try turning off all mods and moving forward with it, but I've played through Fallout 3 Vanilla on XBOX360 several times already to the point where it's boring and excruciatingly easy, even on Very Hard (too much ammo, too many caps, too many stimpacks, stupid enemies, etc. etc.), so the whole point with this playthrough was to use the mods.


If anyone has any solid suggestions regarding this crash WHEN SAVING, any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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i was having the same problem and i deleted some old saves by some i mean a lot and just loaded the first previous to the one your trying to load thats what i did doesnt fix the problem if you have to load that one specific save and if you dont save often you might have to re do some stuffs wtich sucks
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