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[WIPz] Town Ruler


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[WIPz] Town Ruler

I couldn't think of any better name...


You are adventuring, when suddenly you find yourself in a large unoccupied patch of dirt. You begin to think of building your own settlement, where you are the ruler. The dirt soon becomes stone, and that stone soon becomes the center of a city.


Excuse the horrible mind opener. I'm not a good writer :P Anyways, this mod aims to enable the option of building a settlement yourself. The features are below. Now, you would probably thinking "This would be expensive." Well, the answer is yes, partially. I mean, if you want a castle, a settlement, and town guards, you would be paying a lot of gold. Weekly. Consequences also listed below. I need some ideas for quests too, so feel free to PM me with some. I've been playing Fable III lately, so I came up with this idea hehehe... Not something I would've expected.




  • Building your own town
  • Hiring your own town guard
  • Watching the building process of the town
  • Quests
  • Some new stuff


And now, the consequences you'd probably enjoy watching...


  • If you had no guards... Thieves and murdered people all over. The stores would not sell a thing.
  • If you didn't pay everyone... You would lose the guards and any servants that went unpaid. The servants won't follow you though, just make food etc
  • If you didn't buy food for the vendors to sell... Your people would starve.



I forgot to add in the costs. Stupid me...


Costs of all of this:


  • Weekly pay for guards:
  • 10 Guards; 500 gold
  • 20 Guards; 1500 gold
  • 30 Guards; 2500 gold
  • 40 Guards; 3500 gold
  • 50 Guards; 5000 gold
  • Weekly pay for servants:
  • Cooks:
  • 1 Cook: 100 gold
  • 2 Cooks: 250 gold
  • 3 Cooks: 500 gold
  • Advisers:
  • 1 Adviser: 100 gold
  • 2 Advisers: 250 gold
  • Bodyguards:
  • 1 Bodyguard: 125 gold
  • 2 Bodyguards: 250 gold
  • 3 Bodyguards: 400 gold
  • Town Costs
    Yep, you have to pay for this too.
  • Builders
  • 1 Builder: 250 gold
  • Add 300 more for each worker. Max of 5.
  • When you have 5, building gets done much faster. They have to take breaks too.
  • Castle
  • Servants maintain the castle. For everyone you hire, add 200 for the first, and 300 for each after.
  • You can also assign gardeners.
  • Anyone want to think of more?


Also, I will need voulenteers to make models and some other stuff, for things like houses and guard armor. (I would like to do this for my member competition entry, but we have to use our own stuff lol)


Tell me what you think,


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Sounds interesting. I think this might take quite a bit of effort and volunteers to start from scratch to completion.


Maybe you guys can pick up an existing mod that does something similar: Oblivion - The Settlement.


It is working to an extent, and its mod author recently released his final fixes for it.

If he is not going to be working on it any longer, and gives the permission, you guys can take it up

as it has some of the groundwork ready for the object placements, town hall, house customization, etc.

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Funny, thats what gave me the idea. I would release this as my 2.5 million member entry, but I believe the rules said I need only my own work. Of course, I could always use vanilla buildings :P And if you have too much time on your hands, it will be done in the 7months estimate we have until the contests opens lol It would be easier to do on a team, so I can always call upon the help of Eccentric (since I'm on it hehehe)



Forgot to add this, but I also like to make my own scripts because then I understand it better, you know?

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One suggestion: taxes. I realize part of the motivation for having such high prices is to give players something to spend money on, but still, paying for all that stuff all on your own week after week would drain anyone's coffers pretty quickly. I think it would be interesting to have a tax system, where you set the rates and they have consequences. Give your town a "town budget" that has to be paid for, and then a means to raise and lower taxes. If the taxes are too high, people will complain, leave town, or maybe commit more crime; if they are too low then you'll have to pay the difference or guards, servants, etc, will quit.
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Taxes sound like a good idea... Why do I never think of stuff like that lol


Anyways, edited prices, because at a second look they were pretty expensive. I was tired, what can I say... I'm using this as a guide when I make the town (which I have decided will be on an island you take a ferry to to avoid conflicts) so that I don't foget. I have an idea of what scripts to use already hehehe....

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Heres a special dagger you can get in the Castle Crypt... It will have a special purpose in the main storyline of the... area. Yes, lets go with that.




And I forgot the dagger.





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1. You can choose from a list of 5-8 names

2. Yep!

3. Well, I had it planned for a dragon, since I asked someone to make special Dragon armor especially for the guards, and then the player could choose from a colored version list. Guard default would be green, but players can choose colors. That is, if I get that armor :whistling:

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