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Some things in general oblivion forums that look a bit weird...


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Some things that are confusing...



The forum goes like this: >Oblivion>General Oblivion>General Oblivion. Okay, maybe that's fine. But the description for the (Yet another) general oblivion forum... Compare it to the description of the expectations forum. In both forums you can talk about what you expect of Oblivion. That's sounds confusing to me.


And why would we discuss what we expect of Oblivion? It has been released months ago, and I don't think people go to this forum before buying the game, post their expectations, buy the game and discuss whether it lived it to his expectations. Or is it to discuss whether you think it lived up to your expectations in general? Okay that might sound confusing... Do whatever you see fit. ;)



I think it's too..... General.


Thanks for taking a look at it.

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