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Problem with a mesh edit.


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So lately I've decided to try and make myself an extra peice for more customising, since there's a lot of nice mods that let you have diffrent peices live AEV and Tailor maid, the wasteland cloth collection too. So I started learning blender and tried following a guide that I found here in the fourms.




The result wasn't quite what I expected, despite the armor looking fine in Nifskope and the GECK it looks like this in game. It's like the skeleton isn't actually ON IT but If I move just the skeleton in blender it follows it around as if they're set up right. What did I do wrong and how do I get this working right?

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Its good you are interested in making stuff!

It looks just like you need to turn on shadowmap shader flag in bsshaderpplightingproperty of the nitristrips nodes that you have exported.


Please ask more questions if you happen to run into another snag.

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Maybe try this to get the apparel positioned on the player right.


Open up both the original mesh and the custom mesh in NifSkope. In the custom mesh find the TriStripsData and copy the branch. Open up the original mesh and paste the recently copied branch. Now position the custom mesh to that of the original, delete the original's TriStripsData and save.


Also although I've never edited any apparel meshes, whenever I would edit weapon meshes I would delete everything in blender except the mesh(All the nodes etc), then when I was all done I would use the instructions the above.


Also, make sure before you export it, to try and center the objects origin, I've forgot to do this before and its caused all sorts of problems.


The easiest way is when your all done, find the center of your model and right click. You should see a little "crosshair" where you just clicked. Go through all of the viewports(Bottom, Top, Left etc) and find the center and right click to get the crosshair positioned right.


Once its where you want it, go under the "Editing Panel(F9)" and hit the button "Center Cursor".


I've included a picture that shows the location of the "Editing Panel" because it took me a while to find it. Also notice in the picture how the top viewport has the cursor centered, yet the bottom cursor is far to the right of the mesh. I did this to show you why its important to go through and center the crosshair in all the viewports.


Blender Photo


Hopefully this helps you, if not sorry for wasting your time and I hope you can figure it out soon.

Edited by Stonedturtle26
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Apparel and wepons are different because apparel is having skin instance on it for deforming mesh to bone movements. While weapons diplay fine with just empty and unknown 31 shaderflags on em, skinned items require shadow map shader flag. Even though the shirt is positioned and weighted correctly, it will render like the screenshot ingame without this shader flag selected.

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