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Sheep Wars


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'Beta team on the Bridge. There is some demolition charges here.'


'No, the demolitions expert copped a support bar during the landing.'

Get the logs! Hurry!

'We got them'

Do you need me to tell you everything!? Get to the pods!



<<2 minutes later...>>


'Beta team in the escape pods, launching... We're out. HOLY... Half the Daedalus just exploded! ah, we need a rescue now...'

Recieved, sending in the Chimera for an Exfil.



Edited by CommanderCrazy
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'Beta team on the Bridge. There is some demolition charges here.'


'No, the demolitions expert copped a support bar during the landing.'

Get the logs! Hurry!

'We got them'

Do you need me to tell you everything!? Get to the pods!



<<2 minutes later...>>


'Beta team in the escape pods, launching... We're out. HOLY... Half the Daedalus just exploded! ah, we need a rescue now...'


sheep rifle division 62 hunt down beta team and kill them all


'order received attacking now'

Edited by hollowman125
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'Beta team on the Bridge. There is some demolition charges here.'


'No, the demolitions expert copped a support bar during the landing.'

Get the logs! Hurry!

'We got them'

Do you need me to tell you everything!? Get to the pods!



<<2 minutes later...>>


'Beta team in the escape pods, launching... We're out. HOLY... Half the Daedalus just exploded! ah, we need a rescue now...'

Recieved, sending in the Chimera for an Exfil.




"battle barge litany of fury come in we need assistance on mars an enemy chimera has been spotted arm all weapons and come as quick as possible"

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'This is the captain of the ASMF Chimera! Drop your weapons in surrender or you will be obliterated.'

Chimera, dont ask for surrender, do it.

'Roger XO.'


EDIT: Chimera! Start charge of FTL systems, make emergency jump the SECOND beta team is through the airlock.

'Roger. They're in. Jumpin- Crap! Systems offline!'

Chimera, use of SSR nuclear ordinance is authorised. Make sure that they are destroyed.

Commander, request Standby support in sector LP3.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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'This is the captain of the ASMF Chimera! Drop your weapons in surrender or you will be obliterated.'

Chimera, dont ask for surrender, do it.

'Roger XO.'


"all units on mars evacuate mars then launch all fighters with emp bombs attached to them and focus fire on the engine of the chimera then send all sheep assassins to dispose of the crew, then fire all nukes,await further orders"


lol it would be awesome if this had its own sub-forum

Edited by hollowman125
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**The Varlais Latta shoots toward the ASMF Fleet like a comet, firing beams of blueish-white light at the enemy ships which appear to do nothing at first. The small white ship then zips away into a nearby asteroid field as a section of the enemy fleet slowly starts to lose control.**


That's for trying to eat me. >:C


**Using her new space drives, she opens a portal through space and time back to her new base, a small but lovely place where she has a new garden that will not be destroyed again. The portal closes behind her, sealing off any threat of entry by the ASMF forces**


Time for my Tea and Biscuits. :3

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<<<Intergalactic War. You can pick a race of any sort, say Pirates, Sheep, or ASMF... This could be awesome, but we'd need a lot of people...>>>


*Chimera's CIC recorder*

Tech! Divert power to the Drive! Get that system online!


Crap! Adams is down!



Captain, FTL is back online! Orders?


*massive explosion*


(computer synth voice) CAUTION: Explosive decompression in Deck D. System power minimal.

DO IT! Get us out of here!





Commander, that is the last recieved transmission from Chimera. At last report, they had heavy losses, and low power. Low power means that they could have turned up anywhere after the jump.

You need to do a transponder scan, the Chimera is non expendable.

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<<<Intergalactic War. You can pick a race of any sort, say Pirates, Sheep, or ASMF... This could be awesome, but we'd need a lot of people...>>>


*Chimera's CIC recorder*

Tech! Divert power to the Drive! Get that system online!


Crap! Adams is down!



Captain, FTL is back online! Orders?


*massive explosion*


(computer synth voice) CAUTION: Explosive decompression in Deck D. System power minimal.

DO IT! Get us out of here!





Commander, that is the last recieved transmission from Chimera. At last report, they had heavy losses, and low power. Low power means that they could have turned up anywhere after the jump.

You need to do a transponder scan, the Chimera is non expendable.


"send out every recon ship, find that chimera and finish it off then salvage anything of value"


"then return the civilians back to mars and set up as many turrets as possible

Edited by hollowman125
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