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Fleet, Frequency 710

'Fleet Admiral reporting, all enemies repelled from the combat situation. The sight of the Proteus alone got rid of them. But not before downing 2'

Very good Admiral. Any salvage from the Dreadnoughts?

'4 MagRail particle cannons, in other words, crap technology.'

Get them to the Tech Lab on VAX-12 to get the Rails removed. We can use them as autoloaders. Now get me ALPHA Lead.

'Alright, standby for secure connection'


'ALPHA lead here'

This is the ASMF XO, I am issuing a general assassination order on high target [sUPERENCRYPTED]. The data on said target will be coming through to the Proteus data computer under Order 2124.

'Order received. Combat engagement specifics needed'



MB: Class-B Starship. Ship Name: [sUPERENCYPTED]

T-ER: 40km.


Final: Deadly force authorised (6-AOSS║) on all except main target: [sUPERENCRYPTED]. Take DT logs and blow ship through main reactor upon mission completion.


No screw ups. XO out.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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**Throws down a spanner as she listens to the encrypted message being whispered in her ear. Her eyes widen in shock**


They're doing WHAT?!


**After carefully clamping the new relay stone in place she scrambles to the cabin to get a message off to Blue**


--Blue! They're going to assassinate---- **The rest of the message is dampened by the furious screech of furious metal as she punches the sequence to open the massive doors to the planet's core. Disappearing into the rift she screams her fury.**



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'ALPHA Lead to XO. Frequenc 806, Secure'

This is the XO, report.

'Target neutralized. Ship has been blown. All crew on the ship were alive at time of explosion, and it looked like the reactor overloaded to anyone else in the fleet'

Great work ALPHA. You have now been welcomed into the ASMF proper.

'Thank you Sir'

XO out.


Commander, this is truly a cause for celebration. The target has been confirmed dead, and the ship destroyed, made to look like an accident.

I'll break out a good bottle of Rum to celebrate.

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We really should just destroy the Flood, unless we want them spreading across the universe. *crosses fingers and hopes the the Covenent doesn't start coming next*


they won't we'll use them to destroy commander then destroy halo :D *unleashes more spores on commander's fleet killing and infecting everyone on those ships :D*

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