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Sheep Wars


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'This is Fleet RZ-10. Further orders?'

'Fleet RZ-10, this is Fleet Command. We have located the sheep stronghold and you are to take up position in geosynchronous orbit above. Prepare for a orbital bombardment.'

'Affirmative Fleet Command. Coordinates?'

'Being sent to you shortly. Use the autopilot program attached, and prepare for a nuclear strike. You are authorized weapons-free once the order to fire is given.'

'Confirm, Weapons Free order.'

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XO to Fleet RZ-10, use of Planet Cracker ordinance is authorised. Repeat, you have full authorisation to destroy the planet.


XO to main fleet, frequency 242, secure.

'Fleet, orders?'

Report on viral status.

'Virus has been contained to the Demetrius.'

Send HAZMAT team in, set up quarantine for any possible survivors.

'Received. Anything else?'

Yes. Fleet now has authorisation to head to the remains of the enemy Mars outpost, now that the radiation has died down. Send in the tech team for any possible salvage. After this, orders are to head back to the Fleet Yard for mission critical upgrades.

'Orders received.'

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'Fleet RZ-10, this is Fleet Command. We have received a message from XO. Confirm, use of Planet Crackers authorized.'

'Planet Crackers authorized, confirmed. Targets in sight, positioning for bombardment with Planet Cracker ordinance.'

'Affirmative. Destruction of planet authorized, leave no survivors.'

'Confirmed, no survivors. Pursue any ship leaving the target?'

'Affirmative, I mean no survivors.'

'Fleet RZ-10 in position. Dreadnaughts arming Planet Crackers. Prepping fusion reactors. Armed. Deploying in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Deployed.'

'Post up, make sure there are no stragglers, and then upon confirmation of destruction, return to base.'

'Affirmative Fleet Command, confirming destruction now, you will receive imagery shortly.'



'Southern hemisphere confirmed annihilated, commencing bombardment of northern hemisphere.'

'Good kill, RZ-10. Continue bombardment on the sheep homeworld.'

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'Fleet RZ-10, this is Fleet Command. We have received a message from XO. Confirm, use of Planet Crackers authorized.'

'Planet Crackers authorized, confirmed. Targets in sight, positioning for bombardment with Planet Cracker ordinance.'

'Affirmative. Destruction of planet authorized, leave no survivors.'

'Confirmed, no survivors. Pursue any ship leaving the target?'

'Affirmative, I mean no survivors.'

'Fleet RZ-10 in position. Dreadnaughts arming Planet Crackers. Prepping fusion reactors. Armed. Deploying in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Deployed.'

'Post up, make sure there are no stragglers, and then upon confirmation of destruction, return to base.'

'Affirmative Fleet Command, confirming destruction now, you will receive imagery shortly.'



'Southern hemisphere confirmed annihilated, commencing bombardment of northern hemisphere.'

'Good kill, RZ-10. Continue bombardment on the sheep homeworld.'


that isn't the sheep home world that was a human world you destroyed congrats rz congrats :turned: *sends 23 carriers and 12 dreadnoughts towards earth*



< one hour later >


'sir dreadnought 3 here earth has been destroyed, i repeat earth is destroyed'


"good job captain"


'thank you sir your next orders'


"retreat and frame the destruction of earth on commander, then return to the sheep home world and activate every shield at full force"


'yes sir'

Edited by hollowman125
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