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Sheep Wars


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Admiral: Commander!


Commander: Yes Admiral?


A: We are under attack!


C: By sheep?


A: Yes but... they are different now. Cyborgs... I think?


C: Blast it! They must have improved faster then we thought. *On the com* Men! We are under attack! All personnel to their stations! I repeat, We are under attack! All personnel to their stations!


A: Shall I request for assistance, Commander?


C: No, these sheep are pretty useless. They can't even get their programming right. These cyborgs will be disposed of with ease. And Admiral?


A: Yes Commander?


*shoot's the Admiral in the arm*


C: Don't disturb me again during my coffee time. It's the only time that I don't have to worry about sheep and enjoy my coffee. Also tell the pilot to set course to the Serpent Nebula, I plan to lose the sheep there.


A: *In pain* Yes... Commander... Ah!


"kill the soldiers before they can get reinforcements"

'orders received'

Edited by hollowman125
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'sir the enemy forces are retreating we won this battle'


"this battle isn't over until all ground forces are dead, send out the floating laser shooting things and have them slaughter all ground forces!"


'sending them now'


<one hour later>


'sir the ground forces are dead but the carriers have landed your orders?'


"send assassins to dispose of the crew, we may have an advantage with this ship, then tell the bio-engineers to prepare the bio tanks so that we may use them to disguise as the human crew"


'telling them now'


"that is all for now colonel"

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Commander, wave 1 was defeated. Sending in wave 2 with the ExoSuits, Wave 3 on standby. They wont stand a chance.


Fleet, frequency 223.

'This is the captain of the Proteus. The Admiral is back at the Fleetyard.'

You'll do. Send a squadron of X-9 fighters to support assault Wave 2. This target cannot, I repeat, CAN NOT fall out of our grasp.

'Order received.'

(Distant PA system) ''''General Alert, Radiological STS missile inbound, speed at 2000km/h range at 40,000km.

MDS! Now! Set condition 1 throughout fleet.


Captain! Report!


Proteus! Sitrep NOW!

'Sir, we just lost 4 carriers. And Wave 3. Whatever happens, Wave 2 MUST accomplish the goal.'

Launch X-9 fighters. All of them. Leave the Alert Fighters and CAP for defense of the fleet. Ensure Early Warning systems on full.

'Recieved. Proteus out.'


Wave 2, XO. Come in.

'Wave 2, 5 minutes from planet surface.'

Whatever happens, you must accomplish your goal. All X-9 Fighters from the fleet are at your back. You have the ASMF's full support in this.

I want no thoughts, that this mission will be a one way trip. You will return, and you will have a beer on ice waiting. XO out.


Commander, this will be a suicide run. There is too many of them on the surface. ExoSuits or not, I have a serious feeling that they will not return.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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*Deep in the Serpent Nebula, the remaining sheep died from ion blasts of the ship's cannons. The small frigate was no match against the powerful dreadnought of the ASMF and scattered to small bits. The leader of the ASMF gave a sigh of relief and ordered her men to set co-ordinates at secure location where she would be able to issue orders with ease*


*3 hours to due destination*


Com panal: Commander, we have lost the remaining sheep.


Commander: Good, I want the following message to be encrypted and send to my XO.


Com panal: Yes Commander, the correct frequency is set. You can send you message Commander.


C: Good.




Com panal: Message sent commander. Is there anything else that you wanted?.


C: No, keep me posted with developments.


Com panal: Okay commander. Over and out.


*The commander sat on her worn, plastic chair, contemplating for a bit. After a while she went back to the com panal*


C: Lieutenant, there have been a change of plans.


Lieutenant: What plans commander?


C: You are to set forth to Glebe-279 with a small crew and kill the local sheep commander.


L: That's not really a mission command-


C: I'm not done yet. This commander has access to highly sensitive infomation that we can use to win the war. Your orders are to kill the local sheep commander and steal the highly sensitive data.


L: Yes commander. Over and out.

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Assault Wave 2, this is the XO. Send report of the situation.


Wave 2. Come in.


Wave 2?




*wounded voice, muffled and distant* 'Sir. I am the only one left. We were slaughtered down here... They thought we were all dead. But I... I'm not... yet... The goal...'

What about the goal? Tell me.

'Accomplished... barely... Jenkins and Easdown were captured, McPherson, Matthews and Captain DeWalt were killed outright... Argh.. the pain...'

Dont worry, I'll get a carrier down there and-

'No. Dont... The defenses are still online... you cant risk it...'

I am NOT losing another man.

'I... I am already lost... even if you get here... before......... I wont make it.'

No. Dont think like that. I have dispatched a carrier and escort. They'll deal with the defenses and you, you can have that beer.

'You... No. Just turn them back... I..................'







''This is B-Class carrier Arkos, touched down on Wave 2's LKL.''

Give me the scout team.

'''XO? This is Scout-1, there is a lot of bodies. All ExoSuits are showing negative for life signs. Wait, I have one showing minimal, but stable. *distant yell* MEDIC!'''

Get him back here, fast as possible!

''On the way. *distant yell* Sit tight boys, gonna get rough!''

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Assault Wave 2, this is the XO. Send report of the situation.


Wave 2. Come in.


Wave 2?




*wounded voice, muffled and distant* 'Sir. I am the only one left. We were slaughtered down here... They thought we were all dead. But I... I'm not... yet... The goal...'

What about the goal? Tell me.

'Accomplished... barely... Jenkins and Easdown were captured, McPherson, Matthews and Captain DeWalt were killed outright... Argh.. the pain...'

Dont worry, I'll get a carrier down there and-

'No. Dont... The defenses are still online... you cant risk it...'

I am NOT losing another man.

'I... I am already lost... even if you get here... before......... I wont make it.'

No. Dont think like that. I have dispatched a carrier and escort. They'll deal with the defenses and you, you can have that beer.

'You... No. Just turn them back... I..................'







''This is B-Class carrier Arkos, touched down on Wave 2's LKL.''

Give me the scout team.

'''XO? This is Scout-1, there is a lot of bodies. All ExoSuits are showing negative for life signs. Wait, I have one showing minimal, but stable. *distant yell* MEDIC!'''

Get him back here, fast as possible!

''On the way. *distant yell* Sit tight boys, gonna get rough!''



"get the walkers online and have them entrench at the landing area of the carriers, then activate all anti air systems, and have them fire at any ship that doesn't land in the area where the walkers are, were going to slaughter them the second they get on the ground :devil:"


'getting walkers online now'

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*troops finally arrive*

'Transport Leader to Fleet Command, need insertion coordinates. We are on-site and ready to drop in. Exosuits charged, guns loaded, tanks loaded and ready to roll, and land transports gassed up.'

'Fleet Command to XO, do you copy? Reinforcements on-site, need coordinates for insertion.'

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