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Sheep Wars


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Drop coordinates are 327'68'108'12.

Drop the tanks first, then send out the prototype GTF-111 walkers.


Arkos, XO. Report.

'This is the Arkos. The AA defences have us pinned to a constant height of 400 metres. We go higher, and we get destroyed.'

Do you have them on radar?

'Negative. They're concealed.'

Ok... Land at the emergency standby location, some orbital bombers will deal with the defences.

'Received. Activating landing pylons'

And Captain, Hows the Corporal doing?

'The medic has put him in stasis. He will need an immediate blood transfusion and surgery on his wounds.'

Radio in when you are approaching range of the fleet docking hub. XO out.

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Drop coordinates are 327'68'108'12.

Drop the tanks first, then send out the prototype GTF-111 walkers.


Arkos, XO. Report.

'This is the Arkos. The AA defences have us pinned to a constant height of 400 metres. We go higher, and we get destroyed.'

Do you have them on radar?

'Negative. They're concealed.'

Ok... Land at the emergency standby location, some orbital bombers will deal with the defences.

'Received. Activating landing pylons'

And Captain, Hows the Corporal doing?

'The medic has put him in stasis. He will need an immediate blood transfusion and surgery on his wounds.'

Radio in when you are approaching range of the fleet docking hub. XO out.



"walkers arm anti tank lasers and destroy all tanks them send the rail rife sheep to destroy the walkers"

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**In the very core of her home planet, the Witch Doctor has put the finishing touches to the portal. The console chimes softly at her and an invisible hand writes the technical information in the air in front of her. Exhausted from acting as a conduit for the energies required she slowly scrawls the command symbol on the console. As everything is blocked out in a blaze of light her last conscious thought washes past.**


I hope they don't notice this...


**As darkness claims her, the planet is engulfed in blazing white light far brighter than any sun.**

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*Meanwhile... at the dreadnought*


Commander's thoughts *Did something happen?*


*Checks her window*


C's thoughts *Nah! It's just sheep pretending to use magic. Better off on a grill I say*


*And the dreadnought kept moving though the star systems*

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**Awakens, a dull ache in her skull, light sill blazing around her and the proximity alarm blaring in her ear. Scratching the symbol for shade hopefully on the console, the light starts to dim inside the ship. Turning off the alarm she notes that the large enemy ship is passing by, she sighs her relief, the ship is ignoring the planet.


Groggily rising to her feet, she holds her head and shuffles to the kitchen unit for some food and something to ease the pain. Waiting for her food to warm up, she notices that the ship passing by is of particular importance to her and assigns a Nether Tracker to monitor it's location. Eating her food she sends a report to Central Command detailing the incident and a message..**


The Arc is online, we have sufficient power to relocate.


**The planet's glow shrinks into nothingness and then disappears, in the space where the planet once rotated is nothingness.**

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Commander, the corporal from Wave 2 has just revealed that the enemy is working on an VDX Class dreadnought. He got the tech documents from the building yard, but unfortunately could not get in to sabotage.

Requesting orders.






*punches coordinates into my personal VDX-R Class dreadnought, the Heller*



Main Battery, report.

'Main battery is ready to fire'

Initiate fire salvo on coordinate 221'44'611'07

'Firing... Salvo away.'

'Ground troops report miss, adjust fire 330 metres to Port side.'

Readjust, 330.

'Firing... Salvo away.'

'Ground troops are reporting solid hit, outpost destroyed.'

Good work. Ground can now advance to the next target.

*Activates com panel*

Commander, orders for target 'Tesser'?

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Commander, the corporal from Wave 2 has just revealed that the enemy is working on an VDX Class dreadnought. He got the tech documents from the building yard, but unfortunately could not get in to sabotage.

Requesting orders.






*punches coordinates into my personal VDX-R Class dreadnought, the Heller*



Main Battery, report.

'Main battery is ready to fire'

Initiate fire salvo on coordinate 221'44'611'07

'Firing... Salvo away.'

'Ground troops report miss, adjust fire 330 metres to Port side.'

Readjust, 330.

'Firing... Salvo away.'

'Ground troops are reporting solid hit, outpost destroyed.'

Good work. Ground can now advance to the next target.

*Activates com panel*

Commander, orders for target 'Tesser'?


aw ship war already? i was enjoying the ground war, oh well *sends the real vdx dreadnought (turns out they destroyed the hologram one XD) and has it fire the main battery and all weapons upon the heller, causing massive damage to the weapon system disabling all weapons and destroys the engine* "so wheres this mighty "dreadnought" again?"

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*Dreadnought fires at the sheep*


Commander: BURN IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*And the strange war continues*


wait im confused are you firing at trapiki or my forces? lol






Private: Commander, this is no time to fire at a small sheep.


Commander: I don't care! IT MUST DIE!


P: But Command-




P: Okay... commander. Teleporting machine... *leaves the room*


*And the commander started to turn insane with rage after losing her cool*

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