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Sheep Wars


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Heller to Commander, sustained minor damage from an inferior ship...

Restarting engine and main battery... Damage control, please fix the dent in my hull.


Now, onto that pesky little shuttle. :devil:


Main battery, engage target. Aim for center mass, HE-AP rounds.

'Loading... Ready to fire.'

Fire all.

'Salvo away.'




'Contact with target. IDR scans show hull integrity at 5 percent, main power and life support offline'

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Heller to Commander, sustained minor damage from an inferior ship...

Restarting engine and main battery... Damage control, please fix the dent in my hull.


Now, onto that pesky little shuttle. :devil:


Main battery, engage target. Aim for center mass, HE-AP rounds.

'Loading... Ready to fire.'

Fire all.

'Salvo away.'




'Contact with target. IDR scans show hull integrity at 5 percent, main power and life support offline'


:wallbash: "send the other 90 hdx dreadnoughts he have and fire all orbital lasers, send all S class fighters and have the walkers get on all carriers and jump on the heller!!"

Edited by hollowman125
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Engage FTL systems


Come on! I dont have all day.


Engage main and secondary weapons. Keep them away for as long as possible.

*computer* '''FTL System error. Restarting.'''

'15 enemy fighters are now in range!'


'Firing... All dead'

We have 4 minutes before the dreadnoughts are in visual range. I dont care how inaccurate shots that far are, I want the main battery spilling everything at them. If that many get in weapons range, we're screwed.

'''FTL system error. Initialising secondary charge motors.'''

They are in visual range. FIRE!

'Firing... One hit, 3 miss. 15 still on the way.'

They are using out tactic! 5 STS missiles incoming! Flak barrier, NOW!

'One got through! Aw crap!'

'''Proximity Alert *siren* Impact in 5 seconds.'''


'''Impact detected. Deck C has lost life support. Decompression'''

Is the FTL online?

'Online, charged to 75%'

Come on! Evasive action! Keep the batteries firing! *Com panel* Request reinforcements! Say again, Dreadnought Heller, requesting reinforcements!

'''Primary drive core failure. Main power critical... Fuel storage ruptured, life support systems running at 50%'''

'FTL Charged!'



Did we get away?

'Yes. What now?'

Damage report.

'Deck C is decompressed, negative on life support.'

Thats fine, C is storage

'Drive core has failed. And fuel storage tank 4 is ruptured. Damage control is on that now.'

Get us to the Fleetyard. Ahead Flank.

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Engage FTL systems


Come on! I dont have all day.


Engage main and secondary weapons. Keep them away for as long as possible.

*computer* '''FTL System error. Restarting.'''

'15 enemy fighters are now in range!'


'Firing... All dead'

We have 4 minutes before the dreadnoughts are in visual range. I dont care how inaccurate shots that far are, I want the main battery spilling everything at them. If that many get in weapons range, we're screwed.

'''FTL system error. Initialising secondary charge motors.'''

They are in visual range. FIRE!

'Firing... One hit, 3 miss. 15 still on the way.'

They are using out tactic! 5 STS missiles incoming! Flak barrier, NOW!

'One got through! Aw crap!'

'''Proximity Alert *siren* Impact in 5 seconds.'''


'''Impact detected. Deck C has lost life support. Decompression'''

Is the FTL online?

'Online, charged to 75%'

Come on! Evasive action! Keep the batteries firing! *Com panel* Request reinforcements! Say again, Dreadnought Heller, requesting reinforcements!

'''Primary drive core failure. Main power critical... Fuel storage ruptured, life support systems running at 50%'''

'FTL Charged!'



Did we get away?

'Yes. What now?'

Damage report.

'Deck C is decompressed, negative on life support.'

Thats fine, C is storage

'Drive core has failed. And fuel storage tank 4 is ruptured. Damage control is on that now.'

Get us to the Fleetyard. Ahead Flank.


"well done sheep now lets hunt down commander and destroy his "heller""

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XO to fleet, frequency 664.


I am on board the Heller at this time. We were ambushed by an enemy fleet of considerable size, and sustained medium-heavy damage. I am requesting a rendezvous at coordinate **superencrypted**.

That is all.

'Received, Sir.'


"quickly send the walkers and have them board as soon as possible and if they can't have them entrench at the firing ports of the ship and order them to fire the rail cannons at the ship, then have all ships fire all weapons at the ship, we must not let him escape for what he has done to sheep!"

Edited by hollowman125
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**Emerging from the total sensory blackout of Negative Nether-space, the Witch Doctor pulls the Planetary shell around the the Varlais Latta into a binary orbit around white dwarf star and mirrors the intensity of it.**


The Arc is in position.

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