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Sheep Wars


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That would happen, if our nukes were so behind in technology. They instead have a device that disables shielding with an EMP blast before the nuke touches anything. So check again. That camera angle you saw showed a few of your ships exploding, behind the fleetyard, meaning that it only appeared to destroy my ships. Oh yeah, they were all launched now, so I'd be leaving if I were you... :ninja:
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That would happen, if our nukes were so behind in technology. They instead have a device that disables shielding with an EMP blast before the nuke touches anything. So check again. That camera angle you saw showed a few of your ships exploding, behind the fleetyard, meaning that it only appeared to destroy my ships. Oh yeah, they were all launched now, so I'd be leaving if I were you... :ninja:


that would also happen if we didn't have emp resistant shields :tongue:

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"Deploy all anti-nuke shields! Along with anti-EMP shields! Oh, hell, Deploy every shield we have!"

"But sir, we have millions of shields!"

"Are you questioning me?! DO IT!"

*soldier whimpers and goes to deploy all shields*

"Ice Fleet! Deploy the anti-shield shield! Plow through that Fleetyard shield!"

"But... we don't have an anti-shield shield..."

"Then shoot those EMP shield breaking lasers!"

*soldier goes to shoot lasers*

*the Fleetyard can be seen in the distance*

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**Feeling much refreshed and regenerated, the Witch Doctor leaves the core of the Arc, leaving it to self generate it's own defenses by drawing on the power of several Sub-space Nether Holes. Leaving the Outersphere a tingle passes through the Varlais Latta, the Witch Doctor grimly at this and continues past the defenses that sense and recognise her life signature. Hiding in the glow of the Arc she observes the ship energy signs nearby and leave the protection of the Arc to investigate the disturbance**


Fleet! Come in, this is the Varlais Latta!

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All right, that's it: where do you people get these sheep icons for your profiles? It's some sort of freaky trend!


Pardon me for breaking the mood, I had to ask.

Edited by Dicecaster
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'''Fleetyard concealment process initiated'''

*the fleetyard disappears from view and radar*

'''Fleetyard relocation process initiated'''

*the fleetyard is now gone completely*



"good thing i had a spy plant a tracking device on the fleetyard now lets look at the radar again"


"hmm looks like its just 50 miles from here except its cloaked smart move commader :tongue:"


oh and this trend started on deviantart and i think cheesy ball had the first sheep and then xan used a dead one on the ban thread, then i think commandercrazy started a war twice :D or something like that

Edited by hollowman125
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