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Zippylabs New Vegas beta, looking for testers


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Looking for testers, note this is a lulz mod so its not really balance focused.


Mod is here(its a train wreck so be wary and do not use for your main game since lvl lists stay behind after a mod is removed.)




Heres my read me so far I am still compiling stuff for it.


If anyone is interested I'll up it to my website till I am ready to launch it here.




Zippylabs New Vegas mod


Take Monty Python and make them a weapons lab and you have Zippylabs.


This package should include these ESP files.


zippy-newzippylabsallnewvegas = Contains all the weapons and ammo stuff.


zippyammo-308-rifle-poison-fix = Poison experience fix.


Zippyfoodandstufffixes = Jet gives more AP for longer and other stuff.


zippylabs-INF-GreatKhan-Melissa = Make Melissa in the stone quarry invincible.


Zippyarmor = Tougher Combat Armor mk2 and tougher and enhanced 51tb Power armor.


zippylabs-oldworldblues-stealthsuitpowerarmor = Tougher Old Worlds Blues stealth Suit.


Zippy-infthrowing weapon = gives the non DLC throwing weapons infinite ammo.

Can be installed and loaded in any order.


Texture and mesh folders








“Our weapons make us tingle!”Zippylabs



Frist off my pride and joys for New Vegas is my ammo mod



All bullet types in the default New vegas game are covered!

Some of the strong bullet version names are S instead of strong.

All 50MG rounds come only in strong variants (uses the same explosion as strong slugs) and stronger.

Most slugs come in weaker and strong variations they are based on strong and stronger versions of the smaller caliber bullets.



HFC: Abbreviation: HFC : (stands for HellFire Cannon) it’s a simple incendiary explosive bullet with good radius damage that does not kick up debris. Target catches fire and smokes for a few seconds. Price: 6



HFCH: Abbreviation: HFCH (stands for HellFire Cannon High): Offers twice the damage and 3 times the radius. Kicks up debris like a grenade. Price:12



HFC Slug: Abbreviation: HFC: Is the same as the HFC. Price:6



HFCH Slug: Abbreviation: HFC: More damage and radius than the normal HFCH version. Price:12



HFC Buckshot: Abbreviation: HFCB: Contains 10 small explosive pellets target dose not catch fire. Price:6

Bugs: Cryofrost/HFC buckshot lowers frame rate!!



CryoFrost: Abbreviation: CF : similar to the HFC round but dose cold damage, reduces damage resistance and slows the target for a short period of time. Price:6



CryoFrost Strong: Abbreviation: CFS : Similar to the HFCH round but dose cold damage reduces damage resistance and slows the target for a longer period of time. Price:6


CF Buckshot: Abbreviation: CFB: Contains 10 small explosive cryofrost pellets. Price:6

Bugs: Cryofrost/HFC buckshot lowers frame rate!!

Bugs:Cryofrost slowdown is inconsistent.


EMP dose more damage to robots.


EMP Weak: Abbreviation: EMP : Dose minor damage to people and twice as much to robots. Price:6



EMP Strong: Abbreviation: EMPS : More damage and radius than the weaker version. Price:12



EMP Slug: Abbreviation: EMP: Dose minor damage to people and twice as much to robots. Price:12



EMP Strong Slug: Abbreviation: EMPS: More damage and radius than the normal strong version. Price:24



Note Poison has a glitch I patched out the dummy effects on the original 308 weapons with this patch enabled you will get EXP for all poison kills without the patch enabled you will not get EXP for poison kills from unaware targets, I still need to patch DLC 308 weapons.

Name of patch zippyammo-308-rifle-poison-fix.esp



Poison Weak: Abbreviation: PoiW: Weak poison dose 4 poison 4 damage health damage over 200ish seconds. Price: 12



Poison Strong Slug: Abbreviation: PoiS: Same as Weak Poison. Price:24



Poison Strong: Abbreviation: PoiS: Strong poison dose 8 poison 8 damage health damage over 200ish seconds. Price: 24



Poison Mist: Abbreviation: mist: Large radius strong poison round. Price: 100 only available for grenades,missles,308,4570,50MG, 12/20 slug.



X4: Abbreviation: X4:Fires 4 projectiles at once. Price:6



X4 Buckshot: Abbreviation: X4B: 30 pellets are fired. Price:6



Grenade: Abbreviation: nade: Does the same explosive damage and radius as a normal frag grenade. Price:150 only available for 308,4570,50MG.(may add it to shotguns as a slug later)


Zippylabs Evsplosive’s There are strong variants of CFS,HFCH,EMPS and poison mist for missile,40mm,25mm,grenade,mine.




Zippylabs quote: Deathclaws…. Where all ammo is blinking ammo…..






The next thing I plan to do is a half damage mod, its coming but for now this is it.

Unlike FO3 NV covers a good bit of ammo and weapons so I do not have as many silly weapons for NV.

Some of these weapons are still being worked on some are finished all are still tossed together by a madman.



Moujor, Hammer of the Gods… OF SCIENCE!! Moujor is one of my craziest weapons yet a heavily modified one handed sledge hammer that dose lighting damage and on critical hits it releases a lighting attack around the player that hits all hostiles and knocks them back as well.

Bugs: The energy part on the handle is glitchy and dose not animate, not much I can do about that sadly.


JAES: Just another energy sword is a junk yard light saber that dose some decent damage and a kind of area lighting damage and force throw if you do a VATS attack.

Bugs: Theres some texture and or light mesh issues and the darn sound loop has a nasty spike in it I cannot fix.


Plasma Sniper is a longer, tweaked and scoped plasma rifle that fires a faster plasma bolt


5mm Pistol a modified 9mm pistol to shoot 5mm ammo.


The SLUGer a crazy sniper shotgun that can use all shotgun ammo. It was kinda weak at 70 so I pumped it up to 95 damage wise.


HFC Mark 4: Hell Fire Cannon Minigun mark 4. Can use all of the 5mm ammo that adds some fire damage.


Scoped Cowboy repeater , just a simple scope tossed on it.


Service assault rifle is a service rifle that’s fully automatic.


Zippy labs Grenade/Mines

The various Grenades and mines should do twice the radius and damage of the max explosive bullet damage.





Tougher Combat Armor mk2 : Also has 25% med-X effect, 10% rad protection and 50 extra carry weight.


Tougher and enhanced 51tb Power armor: Also 25% rad protection and 100 extra carry weight, strength 2 points and reduces agility by 1.


Zippy food and stuff fixes


MexX is called morphine


Jet raises AP to 100 for 240 seconds, dose 25 points of damage over 5 seconds


Dixson Jet raises AP to 200 for 240 seconds,dose 40 points of damage over 13 seconds

Ultra Jet raises AP to 350 for 240 seconds, dose nearly 70 points of damage over 20 seconds


Psycho 25% damage bonus. (have half a mind to reduce gun skills heavily and raise damage resistance to 90 or so)





Future Stuff



Scoped BB gun that fires poison darts that do 60 poison damage and 60 regular damage over time.


Rush Hour

Modified Sniper rifle that fires darts via compressed air, silent dose the same damage as the darter, has a 30 dart drum and is fully automatic.



Half damage mod


Centaur for NV(planning on overhauling the design a bit, dropping the head and running pipes in the back so the head is out of the way)


Dragon grenade launcher that fires cluster grenades


Hydra Fires 7-9 proximity grenades that eventually time out and explode.(this is proving to be super difficult)


Mini Nuke bullets: Why not?


Port the mod5 stuff over to NV


Custom mesh but mostly textures for Zippylabs explosives.


Custom Pip boy images.


Bugs, glitches and left overs

If you find any zippylabs proxy grenades, I would not use them as they are bugged, it will not remove itself unless it blows up near an enemy.

PS:Yes I still cannot bake a model for new textures….

Edited by ZippyDSMlee
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