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Adding weapons to NPCs


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Now I haven't done things like this myself but if I believe this will work.


Open up GECK. In the objects window, navigate to "Items > Leveled Item". Find the leveled item with the id "NCRHeavyTrooperWeapons", right click and select "Edit". Now move this dialog to the side. Now in this same area find the leveled item with the id "WithAmmoNVPlasmaCasterLoot". Once you do, drag and drop it onto the dialog for "NCRHeavyTrooperWeapons" where the other leveled items are, you'll know when you can drop it when a little plus sign appears next to your crosshair.


Click on the "WithAmmoNVPlasmaCasterLoot" that you just added to the dialog, to the right there is an edit box with the text "Level" above it. The default number is 1, you can change it to what you like. What it signifies is what level the player has to be before the npc starts using it. If you leave it at 1 they'll be able to use it while your at level 1, if you set it to 15, they can't use it until your at level 15.


Also you may want to add "WithAmmoNVPlasmaCasterLoot" to the "NCRHeavyTrooperFireSupportWeapons", seeing as I believe they both qualify as NCR Heavy Troopers.


If your not familiar with GECK, heres a quick screenshot I took that highlights where the leveled items is located in Object window and the edit box that allows you to edit the level at which the weapon becomes available.


Good luck and happy modding

Edited by Stonedturtle26
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