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Archive Invalidation arghhh!


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I've been trying to install the type 3 body, or any other body mod in NV but nothing seems to do archive invalidation. I've done it manually by adding Fallout - AI!.bsa and automatically which adds Fallout - AI! NV.bsa. I've edited Fallout_default.ini Fallout.ini and fallout_prefs.ini tried setting them as read only and I've even tried starting NV without launcher. I even tried using an Archive invalidation text file to just tell the game what to invalidate. At this point I'm just pulling out my hair because nothing has worked. It's like the game is ignoring the ini files (which steam does try to rewrite). I'm running windows 7 which may be part of the problem, but after everything I've tried shouldn't something work? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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