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My ultimate wish for tes v


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It's an idea, yes, but I say this: What will you be able to do once you become king? In Oblivion, once you mastered a guild, there was simpy nothing to do, just bear a title. Only NPCs that belonged to the guild recognized you, others just threated you the same. I'm not 100% sure about the last once, but I'm pretty sure that's how it is. From what I red about Skyrim so far, I can only say that I'm impressed. They must have learned something(a lot I hope) after they made Oblivion. Only time will tell us and until the game is released we can't say for sure. If you look at some of the trailers Oblivion had before it's release you can see a very smart (smarter)AI, but once the game was released, well....we all know it wasn't that smart. 5 years is a lot of time and I honestly think that Bethesda learned a lot from it's community and they age up just like us. Let's just hope that old age means more wisdom, wich will most likely mean a lot more fun for us when we're playing their games. They are old enough now and so are we. :sleep:(chh ;D)
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well if there are some cities that are destroyed by dragons, maybe you could have an opportunity to rebuild them and also you could upgrade your very own castle/palace, and finally to collect taxes every week or month(depending on bethesda of course)
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Well, if you're a Dragonborn, why should it stop there? You're the one living person in Tamriel who can light the Dragonfires and become Emperor, so it would seem to follow that that's what you eventually do. You'll probably be getting more than you're wishing for.


Looks like your "ultimate" wish is just getting topped. :)

Edited by Jermungand
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Well, if you're a Dragonborn, why should it stop there? You're the one living person in Tamriel who can light the Dragonfires and become Emperor, so it would seem to follow that that's what you eventually do. You'll probably be getting more than you're wishing for.


Looks like your "ultimate" wish is just getting topped. :)


Now I have a burning desire to reclaim the lost provinces of the Empire as the second Tiber Septim. Black Marsh will suffer! One can not simply "secede" from the Empire!

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thank god you didn't say multi-player/co-op because we really dont need another 10 topics about that. now about what you said, who cares about being a king. Youre the efffing dragon-born you have the blood of a god!!!! i wouldn't be surprised if you became Emperor!
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Well, if you're a Dragonborn, why should it stop there? You're the one living person in Tamriel who can light the Dragonfires and become Emperor, so it would seem to follow that that's what you eventually do. You'll probably be getting more than you're wishing for.


Looks like your "ultimate" wish is just getting topped. :)


I thought that Dragonfires were no more. Weren't they sealed forever by Martin?

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@jermungand: What do you mean by "Just getting topped"?


I just mean that your ultimate wish, by being so exceeded, is by definition no longer ultimate.


That's all I'm saying.




Of course, you could always revise your wish and make it ultimater. You'd have me stumped there.

Edited by Jermungand
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Well, if you're a Dragonborn, why should it stop there? You're the one living person in Tamriel who can light the Dragonfires and become Emperor, so it would seem to follow that that's what you eventually do. You'll probably be getting more than you're wishing for.


Looks like your "ultimate" wish is just getting topped. :)


I thought that Dragonfires were no more. Weren't they sealed forever by Martin?

Martin slept around a bit when he was younger :D.

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