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Looking For Someone that can mod.


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Hey guys, I Am looking for someone that can mod well so that we can make weapons, shields ect...

I have seen others make weapons for scratch. i have some great idea's for the community and I

would like to team up with someone that could make the weapons.


Like a Team effort because with my idea's and your mod skill. im sure that we can make stuff that

people would love. and if possible we could carry on the work to dragon age 2.


so if you would like to have some fresh idea's

i bring to the table Idea's and art skills (i work in PS a lil)

and i would need you to bring you modding skills.


so if anyone is interested send me a pm or just reply here.



and we can communicate on ventrilo.

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You might get more interest over on the "Mod Request" Forum. That's where the folk that do this sort of thing tend to check (and where posts like this belong... :whistling: )


lol tahnks once again. i should hire you to be my spirit guide to the forums loool.

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