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Possible NavMesh error.


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I have tried everything to get my companions to enter an area in my mod, and they will not. I can spawn an NPC character in the area, but they also soon walk off. As soon as I leave, and come back they're standing outside. This is a show stopper for my mod, cause I need the NPC's in the bar area, to serve drinks food, and such. Every area, they're kewl with I have navmeshed. Just not entering the building, which happens to be one of 2 entrences. THe other entrence, really isnt for players to enter upon first getting to this location. And even entering the other entrence, they only go so far, and will NOT go any further. Like they know something is about to happen. Should pipe in some evil music, for troubleshooting.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have removed some Navmeshes from the outside world, and redid them too, but they had a problem befire I did that. Just now they're not getting stuck under the facilty.

Edited by Floatsup
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Presumably all your doors have the yellow cubic marker showing where you appear when you use the door. Does your navmesh go under this door? Did you finalize the navmesh? If it is finalized, then there should be a green triangle under each yellow cubic marker. Did you look at the navmesh from the side, to make sure that all of the vertices are close to ground level? (It does not need to be exact, but avoid any vertices hanging from the ceiling.)


If you find that NPC's *mostly* walk on the navmesh but *sometimes* get stuck, sadly, you may try flipping the esm bit on your esp file. See this thread for more details and complaints.

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OK, Im lost here.

I have nav meshed and finialized, but the companions will not enter the bar area. Im lost, they will enter another door, that was part of the origianl hoover damn, that Im using for the outside area of my facility. Just the reception room which I have teleporting you to the inside, and they will not follow. If someone could take a look and see wtf i am doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated. They enter from the top door, which leads to something totally different, BUT will not enter the bar area. Im doing it all under teleport door. And Ive read, and googled my brain out. Nothing makes any sense for this one. which sucks. If i spawn an NPC character in the place they stay till there shift is over too, then never return too. which blows.

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Please put up the file and give the exact coc name of the location you are interested in.


Wait, did you say "teleport door"? Is it a red cubic marker (teleport) or yellow cubic marker (door)? For any red cubic marker to act as a door for companions, you need a script. See the Gomorrah elevator door script for an example. See this thread for more related discussion.

Edited by davidlallen
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Hey dave, thanx for responding, you helped me before with the problem I had with deleting other area, turned me on to FNVedit, good stuff there. Anyway the location is just south of wolfhorn ranch. Im using a nice mountain peak area. I may have messed up some of the outside navmeshes but the work fine for companions. the rest of the facilty sits around the outside ones.


I have redone several of them leading indoors it didnt work.


Heres the link though.




Appreciate you looking at this. For the NPC char though, I can have one bartender, and they will just be there till the game ends, or crashes. which ever comes first. The top level door though work for companions. Thats another teleport door. And they follow there.


Thanks again.

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I apologize if this seems elementary, but you said you have finalized, and I don't think you did. This is the first thing to check. I downloaded 1.38 from your page and loaded it in geck. You mentioned about the bar, so I loaded FloatsBar into the render window. I clicked the "view navmesh" button in the main toolbar to display navmeshes. Then I looked by each of your yellow cubic door markers. None of them have green navmesh triangles underneath, only red. I clicked the "finalize navmesh" button in the navmesh toolbar (the checkmark) and now each of them does have a green navmesh triangle underneath.


For comparison, I loaded the HooverDamIntODeck interior, which I am pretty sure is where you copied your bar from. When I click the "view navmesh" button in the main toolbar, every yellow door marker *already* has a green navmesh triangle underneath.


Please double check that each navmesh, interior and exterior, is showing green triangles under the yellow doors. For each one that doesn't, click the finalize button. Save, and look again ingame. Does this solve your problem? If not, let me know and I will look further.

Edited by davidlallen
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roger that will do.

Thanx for the eyeball.



Going through the tutorials again too, in case I missed something. Bottom line though companoins go some where. They will enter and go through about most of which I want them too, so If I put it up as a bug later. Then thats kewl. I think I can get away with having an all night bar tender. Thank you for your help though, much appreciated. Im still learning as I plug away. Sometimes slow, but forward progress.

Edited by Floatsup
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