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Vault 25


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I just realized I never came back and linked you to the threads, my apologies.


Here are the various threads I meant to connect you to earlier.


What Would Be Your Vault's Experiment? - Thread discussion with community developed experiments for future vaults or mods.


Post Your Ideas For Quest Mods - Your idea for Vault 25 was very similar to my old post which is why I connected that post to yours. The thread features many new ideas than a vault however so feel free to give it a read if you'd like.


Modders Resources And Models - My thread where I and others have gather resources for all modders to use in thier mods.


The Daily Jobs Thread Page 3 - Thread discussing various jobs and careers in the wasteland, I felt that you may include possibly training dwellers to these new careers as they emerge into the unknown wastes with your guidance.



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I already created your sealed vault environment suit with the armour :P its a fallout 3 mod, but its patently easy to convert from one to the other.




retexturing it is easy as pie.

that aside, I really do like this idea.

potential problems are everywhere though.


* its enormous as a project, you will -not- be able to do it alone unless you're insanely pro and have ridiculous amounts of spare time.


* following on, if you take on a team to help you build it, you'll need to be able to rely on them, or have a vast amount of multi-disciplinary skillbase between you.

my advice for that is that you find friends you know personally who you'll be meeting with on a routine basis and can be pressured to actually do something.

a case in point was the last person to ask me to help him out as part of a team, I never heard from him again after about two days.

real world friends are the best case, though I realise from personal experience that generally you don't get that many skilled modders as part of a group of friends. I'm the only one of my friends who does any modding at all outside my university course (games development XD)


*Quest lines and dialog are notoriously tricky to get right, even the game developers screwed up a lot with some of it in the main game. if you're gonna have a lot of quests, be sure you've understood exactly how the quests will play off one another. if locations, characters or even objects and inventories have anything to do with a quest, make sure they're either not involved in any others, or arrange specific cases for various ways for the seperate quests to interact with one another.


*Meshes aren't too hard to organise mashups for, retexturing is fairly simple to do, but getting someone who can do either or both to a high degree of competency will infinitely improve them.


*Plan the layout of your vault beforehand in detail, sounds like its small enough you can reasonably draw it in its entirety without too much difficulty.


* the Giddyup Battlecup idea, while awesome, requires you to build whole new animation sets, as far as I know there are no animation sets available for anything remotely like a horse. you might be able to scale and twist around the walking animations for the coyotes and dogs. but I can't say for sure as animation is not my strong suit.


I can't really offer my help in any extensive way, I'm happy to provide limited assistance, and you're free to use my stuff in it as much as you like. but I've got a shiteton of work to do for my dissertation piece at uni.

still, I'll be watching this thread :P looks like you've got a detailed plan already. that's the first and most important step.

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That's very good advice, Ruadhan2300. I just wish I personally had some skill to contribute to the whole mod making process (in general, not just this one specific). I've been told I'm a good writer and I have a lot of experience running pen and paper role-playing games, so I'm good at that angle, but it seems like most modders and mod-teams handle that sort of thing on their own and don't need anyone to specifically cover it. If you don't know your way around G.E.C.K. or texture/modeling editing, you're sort of stuck like me, throwing out ideas and hoping someone finds them interesting enough to use them.


If nyteschayde is serious about tackling it in some form though, I'd love to lend whatever hand I possibly could.

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actually, speaking as a programmer, the one thing I love most when developing something is when someone else has done the concept work for me :P


if I was going to put together the dialog and questlines for an entire vault, I'd want it all mapped out for me so I could just build it and not worry too much about that front.


Edit: I'm actually in progress on my own vault project at the moment, Vault 105

the thought there being that its a vault which has only partially opened its doors to the world. the upper most levels are given over to trading and some storage. while the living areas are still sealed to the world with only vault dwellers allowed in.

the basic gameplay thought being that the vault has the capacity to manufacture and otherwise produce prewar equipment in bulk, but can't handle its own internal needs beyond the 200 year remit, so it recently opened to start trading for the things it needs. if and when I eventually start scripting quests for it, you'll have the player being asked to go hunting for items like water purifier parts, bulk supplies of some specific items and so on to help the vault maintenance guys keep the place working.


if I get really good, I'll tie it into the other quests a little, the vault would among other things manufacture and sell energy weapons. so naturally the silver rush people wouldn't be at all happy with their prices being undercut.


right now I have the section of the vault open to the public more or less complete, it'll need navmeshing and NPCs before its done, but that's ok.

I'm also partway done with the atrium area. still very much WIP


at any rate, this is the main reason I'm not able to help much with your vault :P got my own vault to deal with.

Edited by Ruadhan2300
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  • 9 months later...
I love this idea!! An awesome well thought out and storied settlement with shades of one of the most requested mods in the forums: A settlement you help build and run that is actual characters, not just RTS or W. Defender drones without any story of thier own. And then you add an awesome story included companion that is unique and lore-fitting! This is an incredibly well thought out idea there my friend.
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