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Skillbooks increase Skill leveling speed instead of giving a skill point


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My idea is reading skillbooks grants you a permanent, stacking buff that increases the rate at which you level the corresponding skill.


The skill book system is dumb in Skyrim. It makes perfect sense in Fallout's leveling system, since the cost of leveling is the same i.e. leveling a skill from 10 to 11 and leveling from 99 to 100 both only cost 1 skillpoint. In Skyrim the worst thing you can do is to use a skill book early on because it takes literally 20 seconds to level a skill from 15 to 16 and so on. My idea makes skillbooks benefit you throughout the entire game.


In vanilla Skyrim there are 5 skillbooks for each skill, so perhaps finding all the skillbooks for one skill can grant +4~5% leveling speed up to +~20% leveling speed, on par with the Standing Stones.

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