Flemming Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 I've had a problem similar to this before. I'm in the Dustman's Crypt section of the Dustman's Cairn dungeon. I am on the Proving Honor quest with Farkas and have just retrieved the fragment. I am trying to leave the Dustman's Crypt section, but using either exit causes the game to crash on the load screen. [06/12/2015 - 03:47:49PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[06/12/2015 - 03:47:49PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.[06/12/2015 - 03:47:49PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[06/12/2015 - 03:47:49PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[06/12/2015 - 03:48:00PM] Cannot open store for class "I5Kwerewolfsummon", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:00PM] Cannot open store for class "I5KQuest01trigger", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:00PM] error: Unable to bind script I5KQuest01trigger to I5KQuest01 (11023297) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:00PM] Cannot open store for class "MJB_PiratesQ01WreckScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (2400C515) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (2400C515) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (24017201) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (24017788) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "liliscribblescritp", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "reimjournalscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "lilimapscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "liliReim", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_lilireimquest", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script QF_lilireimquest to lilireimquest (29014802) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemPotionExplode", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemCastSpell", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemWeapExplode", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemPotionAvoidDeath", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemConstantAvoidDeath", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemWeapDiscover", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemCurseVisuals", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemPotionHazard", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemRandomEffect", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemWeapDrawSpell", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemRingDetection", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemUniqueFind", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemAddSpell", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemRingVampiric", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemCurse", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemWeapHandle", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemWeapAddPerk", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBobMagicItemQuestItemSets", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemQuestItemSets to aaML_Quest_ItemSets (2A0A4906) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_aaML_Quest_Vendor_TEST_04186009", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script QF_aaML_Quest_Vendor_TEST_04186009 to aaML_Quest_VendorONOFF_TEST (2A186009) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "GBob_SkyUIConfigScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script GBob_SkyUIConfigScript to aaML_MCMConfigQuest (2A06AEE3) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "VanguardArmorPlayerScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "FNISeffect2Script", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "FNISeffect1Script", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "FNISpaDummyScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "FNISquestScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script FNISquestScript to FNIS (47000D62) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zzcharactermakingextenderloadscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zzcharactermakingextenderscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script zzcharactermakingextenderscript to zzExCharGenQuest (4A000D64) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RegisterCustomRaceScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RegisterCustomRaceScript to aaaYgNordReRegister (4C01AC72) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "FumaPetrificationArrowScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "ProperWeaponScaleApplyEffect", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "ProperWeaponScaleEffect", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RaceMenuPluginXPMSE", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginXPMSE to RaceMenuPluginXPMSE (4E000800) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RaceMenuPluginFemales", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginFemales to RaceMenuPluginFemales (4E000801) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RaceMenuPluginBeast", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginBeast to RaceMenuPluginBeast (4E000802) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RaceMenuPluginWeapons", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginWeapons to RaceMenuPluginWeapons (4E000803) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RaceMenuPluginSoS", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginSoS to RaceMenuPluginSoS (4E000804) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RaceMenuPluginPoses", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginPoses to RaceMenuPluginPoses (4E000805) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RaceMenuPluginCamera", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginCamera to RaceMenuPluginCamera (4E000806) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "RaceMenuPluginCitrus", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginCitrus to RaceMenuPluginCitrus (4E000807) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "ProperWeaponScalePlayerScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "ProperWeaponScaleQuest", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script ProperWeaponScaleQuest to ProperWeaponScale (4E000D62) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zbloodaliasnpc", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zbloodnpccreatures", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zbloodaliasnpcremove", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zbloodnpcbleed", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zbloodnpc", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zbloodnpcquestupdatescript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] Cannot open store for class "zbloodEBTmenu", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:01PM] error: Unable to bind script zbloodEBTmenu to zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (4F0389EC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 6 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 6 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (0007434C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (0007434C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (0007434C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script liliReim to (2900BA29) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script FNISpaDummyScript to (4700DFFC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (0009F83B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (0009F83B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (0009F83B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemWeapAddPerk to Item 1 in container (0701CD4E) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemWeapAddPerk to Item 1 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 6 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A058D93) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A058D93) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemWeapHandle to Item 3 in container (2A058D93) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A015C41) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A015C41) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A015C41) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemUniqueFind to Item 1 in container (0007F62F) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemAddSpell to Item 1 in container (0007F62F) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 6 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 7 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] Cannot open store for class "liliwellscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script liliwellscript to (2900CC77) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] Cannot open store for class "liliburnscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E8E) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E8C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E8A) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E86) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E84) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script liliscribblescritp to (2900BA21) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script reimjournalscript to (29008C2D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (3D00DDEC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (3D00DDEC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:02PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (3D00DDEC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (1401ED3C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] error: Unable to bind script VanguardArmorPlayerScript to alias Player on quest VanguardArmor (42001D9E) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] error: Unable to bind script zzcharactermakingextenderloadscript to alias Player on quest zzExCharGenQuest (4A000D64) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] error: Unable to bind script ProperWeaponScalePlayerScript to alias ProperWeaponScalePlayer on quest ProperWeaponScale (4E000D62) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] error: Unable to bind script zbloodnpcquestupdatescript to alias PlayerRefAlias on quest zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (4F0389EC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] error: Property CiceroAlias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (02012C3A) cannot be bound because alias CiceroEndGameAlias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] error: Property Initiate1Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (02012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate1Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] error: Property Initiate2Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (02012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate2Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] VM is freezing...[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] VM is frozen[06/12/2015 - 03:48:10PM] Reverting game...[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemWeapHandle to Item 3 in container (2A058D93) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 6 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script zbloodEBTmenu to zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (4F0389EC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script QF_lilireimquest to lilireimquest (29014802) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script liliwellscript to (2900CC77) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script ProperWeaponScaleQuest to ProperWeaponScale (4E000D62) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginCitrus to RaceMenuPluginCitrus (4E000807) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (0009F83B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginCamera to RaceMenuPluginCamera (4E000806) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginPoses to RaceMenuPluginPoses (4E000805) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginSoS to RaceMenuPluginSoS (4E000804) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (0007434C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginXPMSE to RaceMenuPluginXPMSE (4E000800) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginFemales to RaceMenuPluginFemales (4E000801) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginBeast to RaceMenuPluginBeast (4E000802) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RaceMenuPluginWeapons to RaceMenuPluginWeapons (4E000803) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemQuestItemSets to aaML_Quest_ItemSets (2A0A4906) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script I5KQuest01trigger to I5KQuest01 (11023297) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (24017201) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (2400C515) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (2400C515) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemWeapAddPerk to Item 1 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A015C41) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (3D00DDEC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (3D00DDEC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script reimjournalscript to (29008C2D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script liliscribblescritp to (2900BA21) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (0009F83B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 7 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 6 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script zzcharactermakingextenderscript to zzExCharGenQuest (4A000D64) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script FNISpaDummyScript to (4700DFFC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A058D93) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemUniqueFind to Item 1 in container (0007F62F) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemAddSpell to Item 1 in container (0007F62F) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script liliReim to (2900BA29) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script QF_aaML_Quest_Vendor_TEST_04186009 to aaML_Quest_VendorONOFF_TEST (2A186009) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A015C41) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A015C41) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (2A1FA8DB) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (3D00DDEC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (2A077218) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (2A11BA0B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (0009F83B) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E8C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (0007434C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (0007434C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 6 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 5 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 3 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 6 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E8E) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (2A058D93) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 4 in container (2A07F44D) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E8A) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBob_SkyUIConfigScript to aaML_MCMConfigQuest (2A06AEE3) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 2 in container (1401EE18) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script FNISquestScript to FNIS (47000D62) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (00074355) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemWeapAddPerk to Item 1 in container (0701CD4E) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E84) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script RegisterCustomRaceScript to aaaYgNordReRegister (4C01AC72) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script GBobMagicItemLearnIngredient to Item 1 in container (00074353) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script liliburnscript to (29009E86) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (24017788) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script zzcharactermakingextenderloadscript to alias Player on quest zzExCharGenQuest (4A000D64) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script ProperWeaponScalePlayerScript to alias ProperWeaponScalePlayer on quest ProperWeaponScale (4E000D62) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script zbloodnpcquestupdatescript to alias PlayerRefAlias on quest zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (4F0389EC) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (1401ED3C) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Unable to bind script VanguardArmorPlayerScript to alias Player on quest VanguardArmor (42001D9E) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Property CiceroAlias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (02012C3A) cannot be bound because alias CiceroEndGameAlias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Property Initiate1Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (02012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate1Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type[06/12/2015 - 03:48:11PM] error: Property Initiate2Alias on script uskpretroactive204script attached to USKPRetroactive204 (02012C3A) cannot be bound because alias Initiate2Alias on quest DarkBrotherhood (0001EA5C) is not the right type[06/12/2015 - 03:48:12PM] error: Unable to bind script lilimapscript to (FF0010A6) because their base types do not match[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Loading game...[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "akcontrolquestscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type akcontrolquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "WOTW_SetStageOnActive", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type WOTW_SetStageOnActive referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "ak__qf_akcontrolquest_01000d92", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type ak__qf_akcontrolquest_01000d92 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "AKControlNPCScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type AKControlNPCScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "AKControlActivatorScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type AKControlActivatorScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "akcontrolmcmscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type akcontrolmcmscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "wotw_bookscript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type wotw_bookscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "AKControlPlayerScript", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type AKControlPlayerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WOTW_MainQuest_FF016C8D", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_WOTW_MainQuest_FF016C8D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "AKCGhostUnequipSpell", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type AKCGhostUnequipSpell referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Cannot open store for class "akcontrolquest2script", missing file?[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Unable to get type akcontrolquest2script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:19PM] Warning: Could not find type wotw_bookscript in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type AKControlNPCScript in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type AKCGhostUnequipSpell in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type AKControlActivatorScript in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type akcontrolquest2script in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type akcontrolquestscript in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type akcontrolmcmscript in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type ak__qf_akcontrolquest_01000d92 in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_WOTW_MainQuest_FF016C8D in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type AKControlPlayerScript in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] Warning: Could not find type WOTW_SetStageOnActive in the type table in save[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] VM is thawing...[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 205041[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] SOS Maintenance: 205041 is update[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest RaceMenuPluginXPMSE (4E000800)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest RaceMenuPluginWeapons (4E000803)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest RaceMenuPluginFemales (4E000801)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest RaceMenuPluginPoses (4E000805)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest RaceMenuPluginCitrus (4E000807)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest RaceMenuPluginSoS (4E000804)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias PlayerRefAlias on quest zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (4F0389EC)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest RaceMenuPluginCamera (4E000806)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest RaceMenuPluginBeast (4E000802)].RaceMenuLoad.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "RaceMenuLoad.psc" Line 4[06/12/2015 - 03:48:20PM] InitWidgetLoader()[06/12/2015 - 03:48:21PM] [sic_configmenuscript ]: Loaded user settings.[06/12/2015 - 03:48:21PM] error: File "mslVampiricThirst.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (0E002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 182[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (0E002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (0E002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (0E002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23 The above is the error log for the crash. Skyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1Dawnguard.esm=1Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1HearthFires.esm=1Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1Dragonborn.esm=1Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1Falskaar.esm=1ApachiiHair.esm=1ApachiiHairFemales.esm=1ApachiiHairMales.esm=1RaceCompatibility.esm=1Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm=1ClimatesOfTamriel.esm=1CoD Waking Nightmare II.esm=1ETaC - RESOURCES.esm=1hdtHighHeel.esm=1JSwords.esm=1moonpath.esm=1Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm=1SkyMoMod.esm=1CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp=0MilkHearthfire.esp=1Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp=1Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp=1JSwords_Load_Screens.esp=1RaceMenu.esp=1RaceMenuPlugin.esp=1SkyUI.esp=1Avatar of Baltazar.esp=1BarbarianAxe.esp=1bobsarmory.esp=11nivWICCloaks.esp=1DiamondArmor.esp=1FF7 Bustersword.esp=1FF7 Masamune & Souba.esp=1FS_UltimateAssortment.esp=1Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp=1Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp=1Immersive Weapons.esp=1JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp=1Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp=1LFDarksidersWarSet.esp=1Light Sword.esp=1lilithstools.esp=1Lion Heart Halberd.esp=1LPotD Armor.esp=1LpotDHorse.esp=1mancika_templarset.esp=1More Interesting Loot for Skyrim.esp=1NightsWatchArmorLight.esp=1SeraticArmor.esp=1HDT Havok Object.esp=1CoD Waking Nightmare II.esp=1Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp=1Immersive Whiterun.esp=1moonpath_questdata.esp=1PP_WindcallerPass.esp=1The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp=1AchieveThat.esp=1Book Covers Skyrim.esp=1Fast Respawns And Rich Merchants.esp=0Schlongs of Skyrim.esp=1SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp=1dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1ETaC - Complete.esp=1ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-2.esp=1Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp=1FNISspells.esp=1Auto Health, Magicka and Stamina.esp=1100XCarryWeight.esp=1AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp=1Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1CharacterMakingExtender.esp=1dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp=1SMIM-Merged-All.esp=1Salt Mining.esp=1SOS - Shop.esp=1ElementalArrows.esp=1RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp=1AncientTonguesGreatSword.esp=1SOS_Ho.esp=1Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1 This is my load order. 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